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Showing posts with the label Air Force

PIA, Qatar Airways, PTI Propaganda and Privatisation. By Faizan Khan

PIA, Qatar Airways, PTI Propaganda and Privatisation. By Faizan Khan The next propaganda that you'll see is PTI beating drums at investment by QATAR in PIA & the Roosevelt hotel.  I have luckily been part of meetings of PIA revival committee formed by ex PM NS. You can't run an airline with less than 35 planes, over 18k employees, poor service.  what do u do? keep supporting the losses from our tax money or make it a profitable organization? You cant run loss making routes & decrease flights on profit making routes.  Many govts tried fixing it but the unions won't let u,political interests won't let u take harsh decisions  Qatar is a Giant in aviation industry & it surely can help us out. Either it does by improving PIA to compete worldwide & earn profits for us or by cutting our money that goes into supporting a loss making entity. If SS can fix PIA by any means, he's a champion. I Support him  PIA, Qatar Airways, PTI Propaganda and Privatisatio...

First Afghan Pilot, Muhammad Ihsan Khan. Afghan Air Force History.

  First Afghan Pilot, Muhammad Ihsan Khan. Afghan Air Force History. محمد احسان خان؛ لومړنی افغان پیلوټ،  ۱۹۲۳ع د شاه امان الله خان واکمنۍ کي لومړی افغان چي په ایټالیا کي وروزل سو هغه د پيلوټۍ تر څنګ د افغانستان د هوايي قواوو لومړی قومندان هم وو.  هغه لومړی افغان وو چي پر کابل ئې خپله الوتکه وګرځول او تر شاه ئې شاه امان الله ناست وو، ددې الوتکو پر وزر د لاندي [اللّٰه أكبر] ليکل سوی وه چي وښيي د بريتانويانو نه بلکي د افغانان او مسلمانانو الوتکي دي. دغه الوتکه روسۍ وه او له روسيې څخه پر ۲۵ اوښانو د هندوکش پر غرونو د هغې وزرونه، پرزې او تېل په خورا زحمت کابل ته راورسول سول.   دغه الوتکه لومړی کندهار ته ولاړل او هلته د اوسنۍ عيدګاه پر ځای کښېنستل او د کندهار مخورو او ښاريانو په ګلانو او سپلنيو ښه راغلاست ورته ووايه ارواښاد احسان خان په سقاوي اړ و دوړ کي له افغانستان ووت او هيواد ئې د تل د پاره پرېښود The first Afghan pilot, 1923 First Afghan Pilot, Muhammad Ihsan Khan. Afghan Air Force History. First Afghan Pilot Picture. First Afghan Air Force Plane In 1923. Muhammad Ihsan Khan Was First ...

Afghan Ariana Airline History And Girl's Staff In 1960. Afghan Air Hostess.

Afghan Ariana Airline History And Girl's Staff In 1960. Afghan Air Hostess. اریانا افغان هوايي شرکت کارکونکي، ۱۹۶۰ع د اریانا افغان هوايي شرکت چي د افغانستان یو له پخوانیو ملي شرکتونو څخه ګڼل کیږي، د ۱۹۵۵ کال د جنورۍ په میاشت کي د افغانستان د هوايي شرکت د یوې برخي په توګه تاسیس سو د اریانا افغان هوايي شرکت لوګو د نړۍ د هوايي شرکتونو له خوا منل سوې لوګو لرې چي پخوا ایرانیانو غوښتل چي د اریانا لوګو او نوم په ۲۷ ملیون ډالرو واخلي Highlights of Ariana Airlines History. Afghan Ariana Airline History And Girl's Staff In 1960. Afghan Air Hostess.  Afghan Ariana Airlines Established In 1955.  The First Afghan Airline Ariana Still Operates It Services With Largest Crew In War Torn Afghanistan.

Flight Lieutenant Khan Bahadur Gulmast Khan Afridi (Zakakhel From Tirah Valley

Flight Lieutenant Khan Bahadur Gulmast Khan Afridi (Zakakhel From Tirah Valley Flight Lieutenant Khan Bahadur Gulmast Khan Afridi (Zakakhel From Tirah Valley), The Oldest Officer In The Indian Air Force. Flight Lieutenant Gulmast Khan (1882-1947), Seen Here Sporting The Following Medals - Prince Of Wales Visit Medal (Neck), Khan Bahadur Title, Kings Police Medal For Gallantry, East And Central Africa Medal, India General Service Medal (1908-1935), 1911 Durbar Medal And 1935 Jubilee Medal. In 2010, While Doing Some Data Analysis On The Database Of Indian Air Force Officers Commissioned During The Second World War, I Found Out That Some Of The Officers Commissioned Were Born In The Previous Century! So Looking At The Dozen Or So Of These Who Were Born In The 1800's, I Glanced At The One With The Oldest Date. He Turned Out To Be Khan Bahadur Haji Gulmast Khan Afridi At That Time I Noted. "We All Know That The Oldest Officer At Any Point Of Time In The Indian Air Force Is Probably...

Amanullah Khan Of Afghanistan, Receiving Military Aircraft From The Soviet Union

  Amir Amanullah Khan Of Afghanistan, Receiving Military Aircraft From The Soviet Union, 1924-25 (c). After the Russian Revolution, from 1919, the Soviet government gave military support to Afghanistan to support their resistance to the British. In 1924, the Soviet Union again gave military aid to Afghanistan, including small arms, aircraft and conducted training in Tashkent for cadre officers from the Afghan Army. Here Depicting Afghanistan's King Amanullah Khan in 1924 receiving aeroplanes from the Soviet Union, complete with pilots and mechanics, which became the foundation of the Afghan Air Force. For the next decade, Soviet pilots performed the bulk of the flying of Afghan aircraft, many of which were Polikarpov R-1s, a Soviet copy of the de Havilland DH.9A. Most Afghan aircraft were destroyed in the civil war that began in December 1928, and it was 1937 before a serious rebuilding effort began. Amanullah Khan Of Afghanistan, Receiving Military Aircraft From The Soviet Union