Who Runs VOA Deewa, VOA Ashna Radio? Who Funds VOA Pashto Radio and Why? Before Going to analyse Objectives Of VOA Deewa Radio And VOA Ashna Radio let have a short history Of This Organization. History Of VOA ( Voice Of America) Deewa Radio, Ashna Radio Pashto And Ashna Radio Dari. The Voice of America (VOA) is a U.S. government-funded international multimedia agency that broadcasts news, information, and other programming in 45 languages to an estimated weekly audience of 235 million people. VOA was established in 1942, during World War II, to broadcast news and information to countries that were occupied by Nazi Germany and Japan. Its mission was to promote democracy and freedom, and to counter the propaganda of the Axis powers. After the war, VOA continued to operate as a government agency, and its broadcasts expanded to include countries in the Soviet bloc, Africa, and Asia. In 1976, the VOA became an independent agency, but it continues to be funded by the U...