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Showing posts with the label Pashto Translations Of English Songs

World Class English Singer Dutchavelli Accepted Islam

World Class English Singer Dutchavelli Accepted Islam. Info English Rapper Singer Dutch Valley or Dutchvelli Converted To embrace Islam As Religion. A Video Circulating On Social Media Shows That Famous English Rapper Singer Dutchvelli Is Following A Muslim Imam to Recite Kalma Shahadat For Formal Conversion To Islam. Why Dutchvelli Accepted Islam As Religion?  Later On Today he released a video on Instagram to formally accept and announce that he had converted to Islam for he was really inspired By Islamic Teachings.  He also revealed that he was reading to understand Quran Since Last Many Years And strongly believed the Words Of God. World Class English Singer Dutchavelli Accepted Islam. Info English Rapper Singer Dutch Valley or Dutchvelli Converted To embrace Islam As Religion.

English Quote With Pashto Translation. Pashto Quotes 2022

English Quote With Pashto Translation. Pashto Quotes 2022. English Quote Of Marcus Tullius Cicero. " To study philosophy is nothing but to prepare One's self to die". Marcus Tullius Cicero  Pashto Translation Of English Quote. د فلسفې مطالعه، مرګ ته د ځان چمتو کولو څخه پرته بل څه نه دي. #ژباړه English Quote With Pashto Translation. Pashto Quotes 2022. Pashto New Quote With Pashto To English Translation. English To Pashto Translation Of Quotes And Sentences By Pashto Times 2022 and 2023. How To Learn Pashto In 2022. How To Learn Pashto In 2023.

The private world of Ghani Khan By Arshad Khan.

The private world of Ghani Khan By Arshad Khan.  English Blog About Ghani Khan Baba Having already enjoyed the privilege of attending historical Jamia Millia Dehli, destiny brought Ghani Khan to Anand Bhawan -- the home of Jawaharlal Nehru in Allahabad, for eight long months, to occupy the rooms where Motilal Nehru once lived. Over here, he was looked after by Kamala, Jawaharlal’s wife, while for company, he had comely, Indira Priyadarshini -- later day Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India. As if proximity of these towering historical figures was not enough, sometimes around 1934, Jawaharlal Nehru sent him and Indira to study together at Shantiniketan Academy (currently Visva Bharati University), founded by great Nobel Laureate, Rabindranath Tagore, where he studied journalism , arts and sculpture while Indira took up Chemistry and History. Ghani is a phenomenon, typical of rural Charsadda and Mardan, associated with making of coarse sugar (gur) from boiling sugarcane extract. the so...

Pashto Translation of Alan Jackson Song The older I

 Pashto Translation of Alan Jackson Song The older I Get.  Song Name. The Older I Get Playwright. Alan Jackson زه چي هر څومره زړېږم       ترجمه زه چی هرڅومره زړېږم دغه فکر مي زیاتیږي که یوه شېبه وي پاته په خوښي کي دي تیریږي بس د سترګو په یو رپ کي دا شېبه هم نوره نه وي زه چي هر څومره زړيږم حقیقت را څرګندیږي چي سړی په شته من کیږي هغه مینه ده د خلکو که طلا که شته منۍ دي ته به ځې دوی به پاتیږي حقیقت به درته وایم که چینه د ځوانۍ را کړي نه به شونډي په لمدې کړم نه مي څاڅکي ته زړه کیږي زما لا اوس هم دي په مخ کي د ژوندون ښکلي کلونه زه زړېږم او یاران مي یو په یو رانه بیلیږي ډېر یاران هم په کار نه دي بس هغه ملګري بس دي چي په سختو بدو ورځو د بلا مخ ته دریږي څشي پرېږدم څشي واخلم څه مهم دي څشي نه دي بس چي هر څومره زړېږم دغه سِر را معلومیږي حقیقت به درته وایم که چینه د ځوانۍ راکړي نه په شونډي په لمدې کړم نه مي څاڅکي ته زړه کیږي څه پروا که مي په ژوند کي یا خندلي یا ژړلي څه پروا که نښانې یې یا ورکیږي یا پاتیږي چي زړېږم مخ مي ولي د دعا پر لوري سم سي لا لرمه څو خبري اورېدو ته که څ...