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Showing posts with the label Pashto Song

Mala Chal Na Razi. Pashto Ghazal Lyrics Of Meena Da Khkulo Sanga Kege

Mala Chal Na Razi. Pashto Ghazal Lyrics Of Meena Da Khkulo Sanga Kege.  Ghazal By Shafiullah Babarzai. Singer, Mirman Naghma Khaperai. محترم شفيع الله بابرزئې افغانستان ۔۔۔۔۔   ۔۔۔۔۔ ديدن د ښکلو  څنګه  کيږی  ماته چل نه راځی۔ څوک په چا څرنګه ګرانيږی ماته چل نه راځی۔۔  د غره  سړې  يم  ما د  کلی باهر  مه  راپريږدئ۔ ښار کښےد غره خلق ورکيږی ماته چل نه راځی۔۔ د  نازولو   په   مړوند   خوبونه   څنګه   کيږی۔ سړې  بيا  څنګه  راويښيږی ماته چل نه راځی۔۔ د  ښکلو  مخ  کښې د يوې  خبرې  وس نه لرم۔ خولګۍ په څه ډول ښکليږی ماته چل نه راځی۔۔ دې سر خوړلی ښار کےڅوک د چا په کار نه راځی۔ دلته  پرادی  څنګه  خپليږی ماته چل نه راځی۔۔ زه مې د خپلې  غريبۍ ته اوس  خفه خفه يم۔ جانان  زما په نوم  شرميږی ماته چل نه راځی۔۔ بابرزې نور مې د خوږو خوږو نه زړه تور شوې۔ په ترخو څنګه څوک مړيږی ماته چل نه راځی۔۔ Mala Chal Na Razi. Pasht...

Where is Pashto Singer Shakila Naaz now a days???

Shakila Naaz, Pashto Singer Shakila Naaz Reentry In Pashto Music. Shakila naz, Famous Pashto Singer has not sung since last 28 years but she is still loving Pashto Music and she may sing again for her lovers and fans. Shakila naaz has been famous beautiful and melodious vocalist and singer in 80s and 90s ruling Pashto music industry with her fine tuned songs and best selection of Pashto poetry.  In a recent interview with VOA Pashto Shakila Naaz said that Rumors about her death, abduction are false , she is live, safe and having a peaceful family life.  Shakila Naaz Recent Interview with VOA Pahsto is linked Here  Shakila naaz said that she was associated with Pashtun nationalist politics and she thinks that she did well to contribute to Pashtun nationalist politics even then when she was in Pashto music industry.  But she is not satisfied with Pashtun leaders and Parties and thinks that they are doing well for Pashtun .  Though she is optimist...