Arabs Reaction On Shah Mehmood Qureshi Meeting With KSA Ambassador. Saudi Citizens And High Ups Criticizing Shah Mehmood Qureshi for Not Following Decorum during Meeting with KSA Ambassador at Islamabad. Saudis Took Up The Issue On Twitter. Arabic Tweet About SM Qureshi Translated To English. All respect and appreciation to ho His Excellency Ambassador Al-Khaluk Nawaf Al Maliki. But unfortunately The way host SM Qureshi does not indicate resoect.. I think some people need courses from the people of the Arabian Peninsula to teach Them morals and the correct dealing with guests as their ancestors were taught islam and its teachings. Translation Of Bin Saloomm Arabic Tweet In English Binsaloom In his tweet called Pakistanis as beggars. He tweeted " All credit to our ambassador who is doing a great job in Troubled country like Pakistan Praises be to God, we have realized that Pakistan is a country does not qualify it to be a reliable Friend. The Pakistan Prove every time t...
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