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Change In Dir Lower A political analysis

Change In Dir Lower.

 Analysis by +Samiullahkhatir    

I had only 210 PKR in my pocket not enough to buy even a low quality umbrella when it started rain. In a busy day after meeting I was wondering here and there to meet my friend and journalists to share press release without umbrella disguising that I m enjoying the rain though I had a tough time hahaha. Ooh what for and why press release. of course you kind readers will not be easily able to relate the narration style with the topic given to the blog but what can I do yar?, I am a man like that who wants to something but move here and there in the beginning . yes it’s called TAMHEED in Urdu and Parisian you know better when scholarly people have to start and I have to copy them who can stop me from that and why if I m not causing problem to someone and sure I should not do the same.

So I was talking about the rainy, romantic and freezing cold day here in Timergara Dir lower when I was fortunately called for a grand general body meeting of Pakistan Muslim League Dir lower decided to be organized by Malak  Bahram Shehzada the president a sober, gentle, young, zealous and wishful president he deserves to be called and I was informed by Sardar Javid Tajik the kind, hard working and soften speaking party district General Secretary.

I was thinking that the meeting will be started according to unfortunate attitude of coming late 2 hours as of the decided time but when I reached on 10.30 to the venue Amin hotel By Pass Shaheed chawak Timergara I found the entire hall accommodating  a large numbers of party workers talking the upcoming  elections and other issues like shortfall of electricity, Raja Rental case in Supreme court of Pakistan followed by Kamran Faisal Death case and particularly blind allegations  made by Imran khan against Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif. I observed for the first time in Dir lower Pakistan Muslim league’s workers attending party meeting with such enthusiasm, pump and show. Rallies of workers from Tehsil Khal, Balambat, Timergara, Munda, and Samar bagh, Talash, Adenzai and Maidan composed of lot of party young blood joining the meeting with exclusive way while chanting slogans appreciating Leaders attitudes and contributions towards democracy and national interest politics.

When I was going to start formally more than 700 workers in hall hardly managing to be accommodated in, was strange to me. Of course the party grown but the way to day observed was a bit different. Party affairs, district cabinet formation along with all tehsils and U/Cs was stressed and given dead line of 10 days to be finalized by Party executive committee. All the wings specially Muslim Student Federation, Muslim League youth wing , sports and culture wing and of course Kisan wing participated.

Once again Muhammad Sher Khan lala president Kisan wing PML N Dir lower was on top whenever he speaks sure he will reflect the realities and would compel everyone to be listened till the end. Muhammad Yasir President Muslim Student Federation Malakand Division a young and energetic graduate in MBA from University of Malakand UOM impressed everyone for his bright, enlightened, integrated and well calculated speech he made and no doubt he is very keen observer of the national politics, problems, issues and trends that’s y he often impresses me.

Beside the mentioned Farooq Iqbal joint Secretary PML N KPK, Izaz Jan senior vice president, Farid khan yousafzai  nominee for national seat of NA 34 Dir lower Javid Iqbal nominee for NA34, was among the men who threw light on national issues categorically and contributed to the strategy of election campaign in the upcoming elections.

Ooh sorry again for wasting your time the main thing I wanted to brought before you well-known readers that people of DIR lower are quite and totally disappointed with current PPP government and its representatives along with all traditional parties ruling the region after thieving votes of deprived and sure want change of faces if someone this time comes with honesty and sincerity.


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