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Ghazals of Shawgheer Utman khail.

Godar ma wranawai. 

Belong to the well known tribe of Utman khel, born in Baroon Dir lower, my senior Shawgheer Utman Khel whom I know when I attended my ever first Mushaira in Rest House Timergara back in 1999 and his Ghazal was presented in front of all the participants for criticism.
A few versus I remember from that ghazal though I was too young and didn't know much about poetry yet those versus inspired me a lot to carry on with those literary society and men.
The versus I remember since then as as

Che sa staayaana da qaaam na we paki
Wayam che da kalam di oor wakhle

Watana sta da Sokalai dapara.....
da Shawgeer her andam di oor wakhle.

By profession he is tailor but don't know what he does for his hand to mouth in KSA now a days as since last 10 years he has been there to meet his livelihood but this mishap made him more sensible and conscious about the miseries and misfortune of Pashtoon soil and nation. What he felt and feel he versified and versifies to make his fellow Pashtoons more sensible about their future and do what they can their best in this regard.

Here Pashto Times sharing his new Ghazal from his Pashto poetry for all of you. Your feed back will be appreciated for betterment of this page and poor attempt and few words of encouragement will boast our friend Shawgeer Utmankhel.
We are happy to see him on face book along with his best poetry. Pashtoons need his thoughts for light and national prosperity. One of his thought provoking Ghazals is shared here.

Yet it does not mean he is just there to lament over the bad days, he is very romantic to express his deep love for beauty and charms of beauty.  He is fond of music and songs of love and affection and why not he would as he is pashtoon and pashtoon poets are loving by nature.

His artistic style would fascinate you by reading the following ghazal.

Final worlds to conclude " Dear Shawgir Utman khel you miss the green land of sweet Pukhtoon watan and Of course Pukhtoon Watan is missing you. All your lovers
 praying for you to come back early. 

Waya Waya Mulla Jana by Ghani Khan.

Pashto Poem Waya Waya Mula Jana. Mula Nazam By Ghani Khan Baba. 

Lyrics of Pashto Poem By Ghani Khan Baba. Pashto Language Poetry By Ghani Khan Baba. Learn Pashto Reading. Pukhto Shayeri. Da Ghani Khan Nazam, Waya Waya Mula Jana. Mula Jan By Ghani Khan Baba. Pashto Times Pashto Blogs


  1. I'm Amjad Ilham From Kohat
    I need Showgir Utmankhel's Poetry Books
    If Anyone Can Help Me Then Contact Me On This Number



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