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Pashto Poetry. پختو شاعری۔

On the dashboard of Pashto Times I daily notice that our visitors often divert to Pashto Times when they search the key words like Poetry, Pashto Poetry, Pashto Poetry images particularly, Pashto Poetry images, Pashto Poetry of Rahmat Shah Sayel, Poetry of Israr Atal, Pashto Poetry of Abasin Yousafzai and female pashto poets or poetess etc.
Here we go to share some of Pashto Poetry images for our valued viewers and visitors hoping will satisfy their thirst for love of poetry and Pashto Poetry.
These images of PASHTO POETRY has been downloaded from different Social media sites and face book IDs.

Pastho Ghazal of Saad Shah Saood سعد شاہ سعود۔
Pashto Times. Ghazal of Saad Shah Saaood. 
Naeem Rahi نعیم راہی Pashto Poetry, Designed by Gulab Janan.
Naeem Rahi Pashto Ghazal designed by Gulab Janan.

Pashto Poetry of Shawghir Utman Khail شوگیر اتمانخیل, Baroon Dir Lower KPK.
Pashto Times. Shawghir Utmankhel Ghazal.
Pashto Ghazzal of Salihah Hamkar صالحہ ہمکار, A diligent, brave, inspiring and enlightening  Pashto Poetess from Afghanistan.She is a pride of Pashoon Women as she did well and playing the pioneering role in the field of literature and poetry.
Poetry by Female Poet (Poetess) Saliha Hamkaar from Afghanistan.

Shama Shawghir شمعہ شوگیر also belongs to the great Afghanistan and she a poetess making her way to the skies of Pashto Poetry. Here Pashto Times Present one of her most read Pashto Ghazal, hoping that Our valued readers will share to encourage this young Pashtoon Sister for her brilliant work and daring style of writings. 
Pashto Ghazal of Shama Shawghir from Afghanistan. The brilliant Writer who writes boldly on social, cultural issues along with Romantic approach to life.
Professor Abaseen Yousafzai. اباسین یوسفزئی
قطعہ Qitta is genre of Pashto and Urdu Poetry consists of four line or two versus. Short form of versification a poetic genre that,s why often read in a go and loved by every one who loves poetry as it is easy to remember by heart and narrate it whenever needed in a particular situation to describe. 
Abaseen Yousafzai Poetry.
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