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Pashto Times approved by Google Ad sense.

Its interesting to have a blogspot site which is simply called blogger offered by Google.  If you have a Gmail or Google Mail account then you can easily open a blogger account and write blogs in your leisure times.
It will not give a chance to your to ensure your online social visibility yet it might earn extra money for you in the future so Pashto Times encourage all our viewers to have their own bloggers account as the 3G technology in Pakistan is sooner to launched which will boast the cyber business in Pakistan and our youth particularly will have more chances to be self employed.
Pashto Times on blogspot and Facebook since last two years and was founded by Ali khan Kakazai in USA.
The Pashto Times is run by four admins and publishing news regarding sports, literature, and poetry.
Pashto Times blogspot also have links for live FM radios and Online sports and news channels from Pakistan and Afghanistan particularly.
We have applied at least five times to be registered with Google Ad sense to show ads on our sites and earn enough revenue to run our sites yet as other Pakistani blogs we were often refused by Google to be approved for its strict standard to keep it high and up to standard of expectations of publishers, advertisers and online readers. Finally last Pashto Times was approved after a week long review by Google ad sense and we were enough lucky to be approved among the few PASHTO BLOGS by Google Adsense which Pashto Times feel a great honor and respect.
Approval with Google ad sense means Google will post its advertisers ads on Pashto Times and if some one click an ad or remain on different pages of Pashto Times, the Google will pay Pashto Times its revenue accordingly.
How can be a blogspot registered or approved by Google Ad sense is a big question surfed and searched by bloggers on line and the answer is not an easy go to find as it is really tough job to remain enough committed to develop a blogspot to be approved by Google adsense to earn revenue.
Yet after getting approval for our blog Pashto Times we reach a conclusion that though its hard yet not impossible to get approval for a blog even from Pakistan and more even Pashto Blogs.
There are a few points which must be remembered to make it happened.
1. Its not an easy job to sustain and continuously updated and develop a blog therefore you must be hard working whenever you think of starting a blog for earning particularly with Google ADSENSE.

2. Your Blog must be in languages which google approve like Spanish, English. In Pakistan you must have English as a major language for your blog if you seek approval.

3. Blog must have enough Keywords about its contents.  to be searched by online surfers.

4. The blogger should know the basic know how about SEO Search Engine Optimization and its tools, scope and techniques to make the visibility of the site/ blog better in the different search Engines like Google, Yahoo, Google Croom, ask or Mozilla etc.

5. The blog should have enough materials to attract the visitors again and again and also retain the visitors for long time. The reading materials should be of such quality to compel an visitor to read it till the end and even take interest to come again to search new thing you might have uploaded and the bloggers must load new things with intervals to ensure the visitors are not disappointed.

6. The approval from Google ad-sense is not a rocket science yet it takes time so the bloggers must be very patients and should not quit their struggle to update and develop their sites or blogs and apply again and again as the Google does not mind it. Don,t worry about it you can apply even 1000 times in a years.

7. It will a plus point if the blogger have the social media Pages like Face Boook Page and twitter account to attract more visitors to its blogs. The same is for Pashto Times, most of our visitors come from our Face Book Page Pashto Times. So its good to have Face Book Page Support for blog spot.

8. It would be very interesting if there are more than one managers or blogger for a blogger account/ Blog as they will jointly try to publish materials and write blogs to raise the standard of the blog and make it sufficient for Google standards.

9. And sure try to write on such topics which attract and divert traffic from US, UK and other develop countries. They people are called unique visitors and have Maximum chances of clicking an ad of their choice and interest which cause you paid by Google.


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