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Group Discussion Dates for PMS KPK.

Hopefully the process of Group discussions and Penal Interviews start from October 13, 2014 after Eid but all the passed candidates are strictly advised to contact Public service commission office in Peshawar Cant.

Those who appeared in written psychological tests and assessment after passing written exams of KPK Public Service Commission held in September 2013 will be called later on for group discussion once the written tests are Conducted/completed.
The commission office called some of the studentS on the day when they appeared in the test but most of the students are advised that they will be sent letters for exact date of group discussion and interviews.
Most of candidates are worried about the process and schedule which should not be at all as PMS KPK has clearly directed all the candidates to wait for the letters which will be sent on their mailing addresses after Eid.
All of the candidates will be searching dates for interviews and group discussion under PMS KPK so just an advice to be patient those who passed Written PMS exam in KP And appeared in Written Psychological test till 30th of the month of September.
For more information here the online discussion regarding Test, interviews and group discussion is copied and pasted for all of you to keep yourself updated.

The question was put in CSS Forum "" I've given my psychological written test yesterday i.e on 23rd. Can anyone inform me how will I know about my group discussion date? As many qualifiers are saying you would get to know about it on psychological test day.
However, after giving the yesterday's test I'm still clueless about my group discussion date?""

The various answers from different candidates are also reproduced to know well.

1.I also gave psychological test on 23rd. They gave us call letters for group discussion/psychological interview after our test ended. These call letters contained date for each candidate's psychological test and group discussion. Mine is on 23rd october. Psychological interviews are starting from 13 Oct.

Brother i also gave my test yesterday i.e. on 25th .....i inquired in commission office and they said that in group discussion 10 students are called everyday....every psy written test has around 240 candidates...those who went on 23rd were given their first count those 24 days...then 240 on 24th sep...add those those who appeared on 25th can expect their group discussion in mid december....hope this of luck.....

Alright I got it after a second read. You mean to say that those who appeared on 25th they will get letters once the group discussions and interviews of those who appeared on 23rd are over. Its clear now. Thanks a lot again
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.” Rumi.

yaar simple ....i tried to clear in my previous post that every day around 240 candidates appear in psychological discussion consists of 10 those who appeared on 23rd sep, it will take 24 days to complete group discussions of those 240 keep on adding 24 days until your day reaches...i.e 24*6=144 you can expect it in end of january...this might not be correct but i am giving this information as told to me by kpsc official...hope this answers your question......


Hope by reading this piece you would have a better Idea about PMS kpk group discussion.
The contents are copied from different sources and websites to gather the information and keep candidates updated. 

Visit Pashto Times for more Updates about CCS and PMS kpk.

To better Know about the group discussion pattern and psychological assessment of the candidates you must read a book compiled by Waheed Azghar ''Psychological assessment and interview''. The book is available in Peshawar Cant which i had bought on 380 before a day of my psychological test yesterday. It will boast you idea as well as inspire you for better preparations of the Penal interview by PMS KPK.

A comment from a book Reader about The book Written by Wahid Asghan (PAS) is copied here.

I recently bought a Book Psychological Assessment & Interview Guide written by Dr Waheed Asghar (PAS). I found the book quite helpful in my preparations for psychological and viva. It contains a lot of material including the best interview tips, seniors' advice, etc. In addition there are a lot of illustrations helpful in boosting the confidence during the actual viva.
I can safely recommend the book to all my fellows who are going to appear in the interview.

Disclaimer: This is not the official website of Federal Public Service Commission Pakistan. This is a non-commercial website helping individuals who intend to join civil service of Pakistan. The material on this website is provided for informational purposes only. We do not claim that the site is an exhaustive compilation of information about Civil Service of Pakistan neither represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any information, content contained on, or linked, downloaded or accessed from any page of this website. These materials are intended, but not promised or guaranteed to be current, complete or up to date. However, honest efforts have been made to provide comprehensive information for the benefit of users. The documents and material displayed or mentioned on this site are not official copies. Please contact FPSC for updated rules and regulations governing CSS examination....

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