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Pictures of Nawab of Dir Darbar.

Nawab Shah Jehan Khan.

Nawab Shah Jehan Khan ( aka Dir Nawab) became nawab after death of his father Nawab Aurangzeb Khan ( As Known As Charrha Nawab) in 1924. Nawab Shah Jehan was 3rd and second last Nawab of Princely state Dir ( Now Divided in Dir Lower and Dir Upper) ruled till October 1961. He was succeeded by Last Nawab his son Muhammmad Shah Khesro.

1908 Nawab Aurangzeb Khan AKA Charrha Nawab with his cabinet.  

Dir As Princely State, Khanate and Nawabi.

Official Flag Of Princely State Dir

 Dir was Khanate earlier and declared Nawabi by British Empire after Malakand Accord in 1897 after fall of Afghan Nepolian Ghazi Umara Khan. Nawab Muhammad Sharif Khan was first throned Nawab followed by Charah Nawab Aurangzeb Khan Then Nawab Shah Jehan and Muhammad Shah Khesro Khan. Nawab Khesro was Major General in Pakistan Army and was rulling Dir state as ceremonial Lord or Nawab. Effective administration was controlled by Political Agent at Malakand Under Frontier Crimes Regulations ( FCR).

Nawab Muhammad Sharif Khan entitled as First Nawab of Dir in 1897 by British Raaj

Nawab Muhammad Sharif Khan with his Cabinet

Annexation of Princely State Dir With Pakistan.

The state was formally annexed to Pakistan in July 1969. It was a tribal agency administered by PA then . Later on declared to be a Provincially Administered tribal Area ( PATA) district under NWFP govt. Dir was divided into two districts of Dir Upper and Dir Lower in 1994.

Pictures of Nawab Of Dir and his associates.

Some historical pictures of  of Nawab-E- Dir ( Duke of Dir princely state). Dir Was princely state before 1969 ruled by Lords whose second Last one was Nawab Shah Jehan 
(نواب شاہ جہان) 

Nawab Dir Nawab Shah Jehan out for Hunting. 

He was said to be cruel man, autocratic, despotic, absolute ruler for native residents and was opposing any kind of Education in Dir.  He used to send his men (Collectors) to all the villages to collect heavy taxes from the poor people of the state having hardly managing their hands to mouth in agriculture and livestock.  Must to do Begaar بیګاز or Khattay ( خټي Obligatory Labor works for State) was routine made the lives hard to locals. Collective Community Responsibility for keeping Law in order, Participation in state wars ( Lakhkar لښکر) and punishment to families and Communities in case of crimes were common worst practices in the state in the name of speedy Justice and his own introduced So called Shariaat شریعت. 

Here are some historical Old Pictures of Nawab Of Dir and his associates.

Nawabi Dir with Political agent and Shahbu Din Khan of Jandul, a picture of the old days.

A picture of Darbar of Nawab Dir in Dir Upper to conduct a Jirga. Court or Darbar of Nawab of Dir Muhammad Shah Jehan khan.

Jirga For Peace and ceasefire to end Battles Between Swat And Dir In 1937.  Miangul Abdul Waddood of Swat, Mehtar Chitral and Mian Gul Sherin Jan are framed in one picture..

In Picture above: Cabinet of Nawab of Dir (Dir Princely State). Abdullah Jan Tehsildar of Princely State, Amanullah Jan Tehsildar, Hazrat said Akhunzada of Khall, Toor Khan Sobidar, Finance Minister Habibul Hassan of Talash and army chief of Princely State Dir Abdul Malik framed in pics with their names in Urdu.

 In Pictures: Picture 1 Of Militia of Princely state Dir Led by Sobidar Fazal Ur Rehman. Pic 2: Tehsildar Abdullah Jan with his Son Abdus Saeed Jan and State Army or Militia.

Nawab Shah Jehan with three sons.

Nawab of Dir with his sons Muhammad Shah Khesro, Shahbuddin Khan and Muhammad Shah Khan.

Muhammad Shah Khesro, A major General Rank Officer in Pakistan Army, later on throned as fourth and last Nawab, Shahab Ud Din Khan as known as Jandool Khan ( was acting as Governor in Jandool Barwah) and Muhammad Shah Khan aka Hayaserai Khan.

Blogged By Samiullah Khatir

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The Urdu Short Blog is copied from an other source ( Perhaps Suliman Shaheed Book Gumnam Riasayat or Kafiristan ) 

دیرکا نواب شاہ جہاں
تاریخ اس بات پر مظہر ہے کہ نواب شاہ جہان ایک انتہائی ظالم شخص تھا اس نے اپنے قوم کا جینا حرام کر رکھا تھا۔کہا جاتا ہے کہ کچھ دنوں کے بعد اپنے نوکر بھیجواتا تھا اور ہر گھر سے گھی مرغے اور لکڑیاں وغیرہ جیسے چیزیں لیتا تھا۔اور کسی کے پاس قلم نہیں رہنے دیتا تھا۔اس نے دیر کے لوگوں کو علم سے دور رکھا ورنہ پورے پاکستان میں دیر والوں جیسے ذہین لوگ بہت کم پائے جاتے ہیں۔نواب شاہ جہان نے دیر کے لوگوں کو اس ڈر کی وجہ سے علم سے دور رکھا کہ وہ یہ سمجھتا تھا کہ اگر یہ لوگ پڑھ لکھیں گے تو میری نوابی چین لی جائی گی

نوابیت کا خاتمہ اور اہل دیر کا پاکستان میں شامل ہوجانا
جیسے کہ دیر کے لوگ میں آزادی کا ایک جزبہ تھا وہ ظالم نواب سے نجات چاہتے تھے اور ویسے بھی انکا پاکستان میں شمولیت کا ایک جزبہ تھا۔اسلئے دیر کے کچھ سرداروں1969میں راتوں رات صدر مملکت پاکستان ایوب خان کے پاس گئے اور درخواست پیش کی کہ دیر کو پاکستان میں شامل کیا جائے تب پاکستانی گورنمنٹ نے دیر پر اپنا قبضہ جمایا اور نوب شاہ جہاں کو گرفتار کرکے ہالی کاپٹر میں لے گئے
دیر کی رہنے والی ایک خاتون کا بیان ہے کہ جب نواب شاہ جہان کو ل کر گئے تب اور ہالی کاپٹریں آئے اور بے شمار چھیٹیاں(پیغامات) کے کاغذ نیچے پھینکے جس میں بہت سی بات لکھی ہوئی تھی جن میں یہ بھی تھا کہ آج سے آپ لوگ آزاد ہو اور پاکستان کا گورنمنٹ یہاں پر سکول اور دیگر سہولیات فراہم کرے گا۔تو اسی طرح دیر آزاد مملکت پاکستان کا ایک بہت اہم حصہ بن گیا۔


  1. Hello,

    We would be interested in using some the pictures that are in this article.
    Is there a way to contact you.

    Thank you

  2. i am interested to provide us more information about Dir Nawab and his picture and his family i am also belong to Bajaur Agency and there was also ruled a Nawab of khar for long time

  3. Assalamulaikum!
    Thanks for the amazing information above. Do you have any more pictures of "Hazrat Said Akhunzada"? he was my great grand father. if there are any how can I get them.
    My email is Thanks.


  4. Mostly Wrong Info In Your Blog. Please Do Some Research Before Posting.
    The One Picture You Stated His Cabinet Is Actually Nawab Of Dir Sharif Khan, Khan Of Bajaur, And Of Hunza From 1903 Dehli Durbar.

  5. ډير ښه سر ، چې کله هم ستاسو د بلوګ لنک مښې له راشې او وزګار يم بيا دلته لس اته منټه تيروم ـ


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