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Usherai Dara Dir Upper

Some Pictures of Usherai Dara Dir Upper
If you ask me where to visit to see the beauty of the nature and be in touch with God Through his creation of beauty, I will surely reply with Usherai Dara Dir Upper and especially Lamcharr there.
The fascinating beauty would fascinate you and you will feel your self in the lap of nature. The peaceful, lush green and cool for fun and chill Lamcharr is now exposed for the visitors and increase in number of visitors noted during last two or three years beacuse of the picutures shared on social media. I experienced that whenever I shared a pic of Usheria Dara, My friends from all over the world start questioning where this place is ? which place this pic is from?
So here we are going to share some more picture of Usherai Dara.

Usherai Dara Dir Upper 
The Manager/Editor of Pashto Times Samiullah khatir in the entrance point of Usherai Dara 
With Waterfall of Lamcharrh Usherai Dara Dir Upper
The Green scenic view of Usherai Dara.

During Ramadan 2015 Usherai Dara Attracted record number of Tourists .Dawn report is copied here about Usherai dara DIR Upper.
Tourists from within Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as well as other parts of the country have thronged the hilly Upper Dir district along with families for spending the summer season, especially since the start of the fasting month of Ramazan, for a respite from scorching hot weather.

Many tourists have rented houses in Kumrat, Kohistan, Usheri Dara, Brawal, Lowari Top, Dir town and other areas of Upper Dir.

The visitors said keeping fast in their own towns during the current scorching hot days was very difhcult and therefore, they had opted to be in Upper Dir to spend most of Ramazan.

They said during their stay in the district, they didn`t feel that they`re fasting.

`Keeping fast at such a place with pleasant weather is very easy,` said Ehsan Khan of Peshawar.

A friend accompanying Ehsan saidhe couldfastin the areaeven ifitlasted 20 hoursa day.

Haji Wali Mohammad of Mardan said he had been visiting Upper Dir in the summer season with family for many years to avoid hot weather in hometown.

He said previously, he stayed in Usheri Dara, Brawal, Thal and Jagam but that time around, he opted for Qulandi, which was close to Lowari Top.

`Lush green hills, forests, beautiful springs, clean and cold water of rivers and scenic tourist spots make Upper Dir are popular with tourists like me,` he said.

For tourists, a tent village has been set up in the picturesque Komrat valley.

`We charge up to Rs200 per tent,` said owner of the tent village.

Some visitors complained tour-ist spots and valleys in the district lacked basic facilities like roads, hotels and cellphone networks.

Chaudhry Naveed of Lahore said he had come to the area with businessfriends to relax.

`We went to Komrat before the start of Ramazan and spent some memorable time there. We caught and had delicious trout which, I think, is a local treat for tourists,he said.

He said if someone wanted to see heaven on earth, then he should visit Komrat.

Visitors praised locals for hospitality.

Hameed Khan of Nowshera said he had come to Patrak with family to spend Ramazan but pleasant weather, natural beauty and local people`s lovely behaviour had made them stay put forthe whole summer season.

`A man has offered us his house without rent, while others give us butter, curd and desi ghee free of charge. They all serve with all their heart,` he said.

Visitor Hameed Khan also praised locals for being honest and straightforward.

He complained the roads in the area were in bad shape by and large.Visitors demanded development of Upper Dir to attract tourists from within the country and abroad.

They said the government should repair and rebuild roads and build new to reach Jazz Banda,Saidgaiandotherareasto promote tourism.

Local people demanded establishment of motels and provision of basic facilities in the area. 
Report by Syed Zahid Jan , Correspondent of Daily Dawn Dir Upper


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