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Myth has it that at average 80 percent of federal budget is allocated to Pakistan army. By Ibrahim Mughal

Ibrahim Mughal Writes 
Copied from Dada Pota Show

To start with, it’s expedient to mention here that budget of USD 42 billion was presented for the current fiscal year. Out of that Pak army’s share is Rs. 6.8 billion which is 15 percent of total budget. Secondly, do you know that Pak army is one of the lowest paid armies of the word? Fortunately or unfortunately, on account of its unique strategic location and specific Islamic ideology, Pakistan is the top most country in terms of having maximum enemies in the world. It’s the common agenda and interest of some of the powerful countries, among which USA, Israel, and India top the list, to wash out Pakistan’s presence from world’s map. All the same, these powerful countries are not alone in said scheme, but NATO and a Muslim country Afghanistan are also part of it. Consequently, Pakistan’s 3600 Km long boarder remains active all the time and that makes Pakistan the only country having so long active boarder.
Apart from that, Pakistan’s internal state of affairs also contributes to its plights. Baluchistan, covering more than half of the area of whole Pakistan is the largest province of Pakistan, and is practically at war. Karachi, a largest city of country, is also passing through similar circumstances. Here, operation against terrorism is in prevalence. From warriors point of view, tribal areas, situated in north of Pakistan, are the toughest locations for war. Here, 2.5 troops have been deployed to fight against terrorists.
Hence, in view of above mentioned facts, defense needs of Pakistan cannot be misjudged. Nonetheless, Pak army, the fifth largest army of the world, lies at 25th position in terms of its overheads. Whereas, country’s atomic and missile programs also satisfy their needs from army’s budget. Pakistan’s defense expenditures are 2.8 percent of country’s income from national resources. Compare to that, USA’s defense expenditures are 4.7 percent, Israel’s are 6.9 percent, KSA’s are 11.4 percent, UAE’s are 6.9 percent and Afghanistan’s are 6.4 percent of its income from national resources. In terms of population and area, India is 5 times larger than Pakistan, but its defense expenditures are 12 times higher than Pakistan. In other words, it’s USD 50 billion more than Pakistan’s defense expenditures. In fact Indian defense budget has seen a tremendous rise from USD 11.8 billion in 2001 to USD 52 billion in 2016. USA defense expenditures are USD 642 billion, and China’s defense expenditures are USD 160 billion. Afghanistan is a small country, and has already gone to the dogs. Its defense expenditures are USD 11 billion.
Few people, a very few know that defense expenditures of countries like Chile, UAE, Colombia, Singapore, Taiwan and Norway are much more higher than Pakistan’s defense expenditures.
By cause of above mentioned facts, it’s a shame that corrupt politicians of Pakistan whose misdeeds are pushing nation to a dead end; relate every issue and nonissue of the country with slashing the expenditures of army. None of the above mentioned countries can compromise on its defense, despite the fact that many of them have no threat to their territorial integrity and national sovereignty.
Obviously, those who criticize the army budget, despite comprehending these realities, cannot be called well-wishers of Pakistan.
Do you know that Pakistan, having 3600 Km long active boarder, is the only country that is simultaneously under the threat of three warlike doctrines? One of those is called ‘Cold Start Doctrine’. It’s Indian war strategy. Under this strategy, India has deployed six commands of its army on Pakistan’s boarder. It’s 80 percent of total Indian army. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had, in combined commanders’ conference in 2015, said that future conflicts would become shorter and wars would become rare. Commenting on Modi’s statement Indian Chief of army staff General Bipin Rawat said,” “In our case, we prepare for short, intense conflicts, and at the same time have to be prepared for wars becoming long-drawn. Based on that, we have a well-defined strategy.” General Rawat further added, “What the PM said is right; wars will be intense and short because there’ll always be international pressure in wars between two nations. We have to be aware of that; whatever action we take, therefore, has to be quick; forces have to be ready and have to achieve success.”
Statements of Indian PM and Chief of army staff are more than enough to reveal India’s intention. In point of fact India is planning to invade Sindh and Baluchistan. Though Pak army is watching all that with vigilant eye, but the fact remains that balance of power is terribly uneven and is in favor of India. No doubt that Pak army’s moral is high and unmatched in spite of difficulties, but moral alone cannot do the needful unless its budget is increased by a long way.


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