Special message : I hope you will pay attention & think about the words with good intention to understand & not fight back. Thank you.
Our words explain the state of our minds & character. When its said that women should dress certain way to keep man a godly man, then you are not connected to the divine energy at all. You are running away from your responsibility, you are weak in mind, body & spirit. Even if I lock all the women from you, you still will commit whats haram & its happening as many children & trans are sexually abused & killed, extramarital relations, domestic violence, marital rapes, forced underage marriages for girls, ensalved prostitution are all there. So much imbalance of power & authority & thats in human nature too that it will abuse its powers. Pakistan's government should focus on keeping the public in positive activities like sports, make ethical/moral education a priority & enforce the law proper to protect the weak segments of our society rather than gov hiding from its responsibilities behind such statements that can only create anarchy. Today you are telling them that women's dressing is provoking men to do so, tomorrow someone will say that I didn't like his face & he provoked me to slap him or I didn't like his statement & so he provoked me to kill him or the bank of was open & it provoked me to rob it or the car was parked by my place so it provoked me to steal it. This kind of statements & linking them to human nature are dangerous. Human existence itself is provoking but instead of getting rid of human or locking them up, we need to teach humans well & keep them busy/active so their minds stay sane & in their control. Human is not dangerous but human mind is. Once we learn to control our minds, we are powerful beings. And we must constantly purify our minds/souls because it will make us to see others as spiritual beings, not sexual beings. Those in Gov should also believe in morality & carry it in their words & actions. I assure you that the day the law & society started holding men accountable for their action, our children , women, trans will become safe & happy. Pakistan will start real progress.
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