Dependent Personality Disorder(DPD) by Naeem Khan.
Your relatives or family members may be dangerous as compared to unknown persons or strangers.Professionals are the best in this scenario.
Don't discuss your personal or mental issues with close relatives or friends if they're not experts. Even if they're professionally sound, there may be jealousy or sentimentality factors.
If you have signs of Dependent Personality Disorder(DPD), a type of anxious personality disorder, you may feel helpless, submissive or incapable of taking care of yourself. You may have trouble making simple decisions. But, with help, someone with a dependent personality can learn self-confidence and self-reliance. Always depend on professional experts otherwise your nears and dears may misguide you in good faith or bad faith.
Your denial as a defense mechanism to avoid real solutions to your issues is not doable ultimately. Denial involves the rejection of a fact that is too painful for a person to accept.
Some research demonstrates that even though people are more likely to form relationships with those who are physically closer to them, those relationships aren't always positive. For example, one study found that people are more likely to dislike those who live close to them.
The proximity can be counterproductive. That's why neighbors usually fight and close relatives may not be good friends. There are many family feuds and property disputes. One must be very cautious and conscious as sentimentality is perilous and taking things far granted may have negative consequences.
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