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Bank Notes Of Afghanistan During Amanullah Khan Rule

 King Amanullah's time Bank Notes ( Afghan Currency Or Afghani). Ghazi Shah Amanullah Khan rulled Afghanistan from 1919 to 1931 and he is considered the most enlightened Afghan leader who tried hard to transform feudal Afghan society into a Modern State on secular and liberal grounds. King Amanullah Khan installed Radio Transmitter In Kabul aka Kabul Radio even before All India Radio and Established Kabul University when British India was having a few universities which prove how King was committed to work for Education and social Change.

Some Historical Images of Afghani Currency Notes.

King Amanullah And Bank Note in 1920

Different Afghan Currency Notes In Ghazi Amanullah Khan' Era.

د غازی امان الله خان دوره کښی په اکثره نوټونو په فارسی ژبه سند لیکلی شوی

د غازی شاه امان الله د دوري دغه پورته نوټ کښی کتلی شۍ چی پښتو، دری،  اردو او ازبکی ژبو لیکل شوی چی دغه نوټ د پنځه افغانیو دی
Five Afghani Bank Notes pictured above have printed with details ( Number) in 4 Languages also having Urdu Word "Panch" which indicates Indian influence on Afghan culture and State affairs. Then Indian ( Now Pakistani Rupee)  was called Kaldara by Afghans.

50 Afghanis Note In King Amanullah Khan reign from 1919 to 1930 in Afghanistan.
دغه عکس دپنځوس افغانو دی چی د غازی امان الله خان په بادشاهی کښی رایج الوقت نوټ وو

Bank Note Of One Hundred Afghanis during Rule of King Shah Ghazi Amanullah Khan Of Afghanistan from 1919 to 1931.

 دغه پورته عکسونه د غازی امان الله خان د باچاهۍ د دوري د افغانستان د قامی بینک نوټونه یعني افغانۍ دی

لاندي ځني نور خوندور تاریخی عکسونه. ده امانی شاهی دوري

د افغانستان د بانک نوټونه د امان الله دوره کښي
