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OCTI App, A New Rival And Strong Competitor To META, Tiktok

In Other News From Digital Technology. 

OCTI App For Video Creators. Merging Reality with Metaverse and Coins Rewards.

Facebook ( Meta),  Snack Videos App, Tiktok and Newly Introduced Metaverse by Facebook will have to face a rival in Digital Contents Creators Market. OCTI App,  launched a few days ago on 17 November 2021 is believed to one of the market leading Video Creating App in 2022.

OCTI App based on Augment Reality ( AR) running massive ad campaign to attract video creators and celebrities to its digital platform . OCTI App founder also claims that this App will be ad free and very friendly for Teenagers. 

With OCTI Video Creation App users will be able to edit videos in Augment Visuals ( Backgrounds, Scenes, Location, Sets) of Their choice uploaded daily to The App. Users will also be able to upload Reality Based Backgrounds, Scenes, Objects and Situations  to make the App rich for content creation.

 How OCTI App Is Different From Tikttok ? 

The Users Of OCTI App will be Able to blend different images, to blend different Objects, Different Worlds with Special Filters Effects to mix and make a totally Different story. 

Simply It will Take Video Creation and Editing to the next level. OCTI Will Increase User ability to edit and Create Videos.

Octi App enhances Users ability To Create a lot of fun and imaginative Video Contents blend with dynamic scenes, objects, effects and backgrounds. 

Free Coins Earning Model By OCTI App.


Virtual and Digital Coins Earning with Octi App is a revolutionary Unique Idea and can reorient, rebrand the Digital Cryptocurrency market as well as NFTs. 

This is the Most lucrative model for contents creators to get Free Digital Coins on OCTI App. With these earned Octi Coins users will be able to shop online, buy digital products from Octi Shops Or Octi Store and buy physical products from brands. 

How to Earn Coins With Octi App? 

Initially Coins will be offered free to creators and as per press release of Company free distribution will be stopped to make coins more valuable Like a digital Currency. 

Octi App coins can also be earned by importing, adding new objects, scenes, backgrounds to community and interacting with others. 

Users can also import and add their NFTs to earn more coins and make up more digital assets with Octi.

All Videos will be ad free and instead of likes the creators will get free coins exchangeable for digital as well as products on OCTI Listed Outlets. 

Future Of OCTI App.

OCTI App is Considered a big challenge specially To Tiktok and SnackVideos Apps as OCTI is based On Metaverse Technology which will bring a revolution in Video Contents Creation. 

The OCTI App was featured by CNBC TV in main News Bulletin to Interview The Founder Of Company Owing  metaverse Tech Based App. Social Media Experts Believe that OCTI App is going to something very big in near future and will reshape the VR ( Virtual Reality)  and AR ( Augment Reality) digital market.

OCTI App In India And Pakistan.

Many YouTubers and Tech Experts From India reviewing and promoting OCTI Video App to make users onboard. Indian users presence on This very New App can drastically add to its success to beat China Based Video giant Tiktok. In Pakistan content Creators are searching reviews of the app to get Updated so it is hoped in December 2021 and January 2022 it will see a spike in Pakistan as well.

Pashto Times.
Earning Free Coins with New Octi App and Rival of Tiktok App. Octi App in India. Metaverse future and NFTs. Make Your digital Assets NFTs


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