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Quotes and Memes About New Variant Of Corona Virus " Omicron"

Quotes and Memes about New Variant Of Corona Virus. 

Omicron Quotes and Memes are Viral On Social media everywhere. Here are a few noted Quotes about Omicron.

Omicron Quotes 2022

Corona virus is learning from humans - the more it evolves the more dangerous it gets. 

You may be done with Covid but Covid ain’t done with you.

Mehdi Hassan

Get jabbed. 

And if you’re double-jabbed, get boosted. 

This new covid variant could get very serious very quickly, so protect yourself as best you can.

Piers Morgan 

Stop watching the news, stop listening to people like Piers and get on with your lives. It's going no where and every year there will be another super dooper variant for us to worry about - so why worry at all? 

Kevin Blackburn

#Omicron Quote

The scaremongering language used about a mutated COVID virus is insane. Just stop it. Viruses mutate all the time. Talk about it rationally. What is the point in spreading anxiety? 

Dawn Nessom

Omicron Variant "presents mild disease with symptoms being sore muscles and tiredness for a day or two not feeling well. as medical practitioners, we do not know why so much hype is being driven"

Angelique Coetzee, chairwoman of SAMA

Memes About New Variant of Corona Virus Omicron

This One Is Hilarious about Omicron

New Variant Omicron Memes On Social Media.

 Omicron Variant in United Kingdom.

BREAKING—🇬🇧PM warns: 

“The #Omicron spreads very rapidly & can be spread between people double vaccinated. There is very extensive mutation—diverges quite significantly from previous, and as a result, might in part reduce the protection of our vaccines over time”.

“we will require all contacts of those who test positive with a suspected case of Omicron to self-isolate for 10 days regardless of your vaccination status."

This follows UK discovery for 2 cases of #Omicron this morning.

WHO warned of “reinfection” risk for those previously infected with #COVID19 as well.

 That’s part of why @WHO elevated #B11529 to a full “VARIANT OF CONCERN” dubbed it Omicron yesterday.

Key warnings from the WHO on Omicron B11529 — it’s bad. 

Reinfection. Fast growth. Fast growth “growth advantage” across many South Africa provinces is also worrisome.

People are asking what is “growth advantage”?

 It means infectious advantage. Potentially 500% in early data. Let’s hope this model is wrong  But doesn’t look good. 

Omicron Variant Of Covid 19 In Pakistan.

Not yet reported Omicron In Pakistan, India and Afghanistan but Indian Virologist fears a big blow incase if it enters densely Populated India with less medical Facilities and same is the case of Pakistan.

Advice To Fellow Humans On Omicron.

Mask Up, Keep Distance, Avoid travelling and maintain SOPs to fight New Covid Variant Omicron in 2021 and 2022. 

What Doesn't Kill You, Mutates and Tries Again. Omicron Viral Meme


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