Some Questions on Iqbal
Sir Mohammad Iqbal is Pakistan’s national poet. Here are some questions which I would request my friends to answer:
-Who sponsored Iqbal’s higher studies abroad?
-Despite being a beneficiary of Western education, why was Iqbal so critical of Western values?
-Why was Iqbal against women education?
-What was Iqbal’s regular profession? At one time, as he was taking care of three wives, what was his source of income?
-Was Iqbal in receipt of pensions and stipends from Nawabs?
-What were the services of Iqbal for which in 1923 he was granted the title “Sir” by King George V?
-Did he ever convert to Ahmadiyat?
-The ideal of many Islamists, did he ever perform Haj?
-Did Iqbal kill a prostitute of Lahore’s red light area?
- How much of Iqbal’s poetry is original?
-Was Iqbal also a philosopher?
- Was Iqbal a supporter of democracy or he opposed it?
-Why did Iqbal meet Mussolini and why did he defend the fascist leader?
-Did Iqbal really want one independent state for Muslims or just autonomy for Muslim majority provinces? Did his conception include East Bengal?
-After writing “Shikwa”, why did he have to write “Jawab Shikwa?”
- Did he ever think that Russia’s dictator Stalin was a Muslim?
Did he ever eulogize Queen Victoria and why?
-Did he support the murderer “Ilam Deen” who murdered Rajpal?
-What was the nature of his relations with Emma Wegenast and Attiya Faizi?
-Are his writings progressive or retrogressive?
-Is Iqbal relevant today?
Waseem Altaf
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