Students must teach their teachers the following: by Naeem Khan
1.We're not empty bags where you put data, definitions and information. We're trees. We need your watering only. Make us critical thinkers and creative minded so we build our knowledge and understanding ourselves. Make us autonomous learners. Don't make us your blind followers. We are born ignorant with empty mind but not stupid. Don't make us stupid by education.
2.Don't preach but teach. Don't do propaganda. Critically examine, analyze, discuss and argue. Give us time for asking questions. Make us curious. Don't just narrate stories. Draw conclusions after debates.
3. Help us in conquering our fears as only a fearless person can be wise and useful. Identify the superstitions and blind imitation. Make us brave and bold. Make us self-aware and self-sufficient.
4. Let's fight together against the menace of the paradox that education has become one of the main impediment to intelligence, freedom of thought, promotion of extremism, indoctrination, terrorism and dictatorial practices.
5. Science and Philosophy put limits to knowledge, but should not set limits to imagination, creativity, ambition and dreams. Let's add Spirituality, Art to it to have more Science and Philosophy.
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Pashto Times, Education Blog
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