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Why Malala Yousafzai is hated and Criticized in Pakistan

  Famous Pashtun Icon Malala Yousafzai Got Married to Assar Malik in London. After news of her Nikkah went viral people took up to social media to congratulate the newly knotted couple with Good Wishes and payers as well as many criticized Malala for marrying a Lahore based Panjabi instead of Pashtun.

Specially Pashtun nationalists angered and are openly expressing their anger to call her a Panjabi agent planted by ISI to kill So called Pashtun honor.

A Facebook user laments while commented on BBC Pashto post " Now A Panjabi will be sharing bed to f...k a Pashtun girl. Its a big shame to our name".

One even presents an other conspiracy theory to say that Malala is even not Yousafzai as per his views she was brought to Swat from Panjab by Pak Army to stage a drama and disgrace Honored Pashtun culture.

 Some social media users also develop conspiracy theory that ISI of Pakistan managed Malala ties with Assar to disgrace the iconic classic Afghan Character Malala of Maiwand, Kandahar.

Pakistanis also think that Malala is overated by western media to malign Pakistan and its so called Islamic value and family system.

It is also believed that Malala is prepared by west to become prime minister of Pakistan, lead and promote western culture and impose their agenda.

Most of Pakistanis and Pashtuns question about role of Malala Yousafzai for girls education and suspects that she was only promoted by west to malign Islam, Muslim, Pakistan and Pashtuns. 

Pashtun blogger Noor Badashah Yousafzai opines " Its everyone personal right to marry one he/she wants but should not spread racial hate then against Panjabis. We are not against Malala marrying a Panjabi but problem is the hypocrisy of these people ( Zia U Din Yousafzai) who spread venom against Panjabis for exploitation of Pashtuns but going to be in relations with pride".

You will find 9 people out of ten here to question what Malala Did For Education? Why west doesn't honor others like her? Why Abdus Satar Edhi not given Nobel Peace Prize instead of Malala?

Interestingly Malala Yousafzai is more hated by girls than boys which might because of jealousy and frustration.

Despite negatives comments and derogatory post there are some people who wish all the best to show praise and wishes for Malala. Ammar Ali Jan, A student leader and human rights activist posted his congratulatory message on Facebook 

Heartiest congratulations to Malala on her wedding. She survived a terrorist attack, rebuild her life, got ideal education and became a global icon. Now she has married the love of her life and deserves the best in this exciting journey ahead.

"On the same day, extremists who attacked Malala and drowned our schools and hospitals in blood are being mainstream by the Pakistani state. TTP is an enemy of our children but the state thinks they should be forgiven. Progressive activists are being terrorized while real terrorists are welcomed and nurtured  by this government. 

The world praises the bravery of ordinary citizens but laughs at the cowardice of our state that continues to let us down".

Posted by 

Samiullah Khatir

You may read more at my blog, Samiullah Khatir


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