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Amazing Popularity Of Malala Yousafzai In USA

Malala Yousafzai Amazing Popularity In United States Of America.

How Malala Is Popular In USA?

Justice Imagine that 31,449 Different Terms Or keywords Related Malala Yousafzai are Searched Only On Google Per Month In USA.

A Keyword Finding and Search Volume Calculating Site Ahrafs Suggests that Millions of People In United States Go Google to read about Malala Yousafzai Like Her Quotes, her Husband, her works, Malala Achievements, her book I am Malala, Malala Fund and 31449 other words, terms to know more about her as shown in screenshot here.

Stats Explained.

Total Words/ Terms Searched after Malala On Google are 31,449 while list Topped by a Single word "Malala " with 84,000 searches per month seconded by " Malala Yousafzai" with 59,000 Searches On Google during last 30 Days Only In United States Of America.

11,000 Americans wanted to know about Malala's Book ( I am Malala)  and 2.8k Clicked Malala Book in Google which makes it evident that Americans read Books anyway. 2000 also Wanted Summery of The Book during last 30 days. Good Thing and Understandable.

5,500 US Online Users Tried Google to read and know about the incident happened to Malala In Swat back in 2012 When she was Shot allegedly by Taliban Militants. See The Searched Term " Malala Yousafzai Shot" in the screenshot taken.

Some Interesting Findings About Malala Digital Popularity In USA.

25,00 Monthly almost 100 Americans daily Go crazy To read " Malala Quotes" and You know quotes Mean Aqwal E Zareen in Urdu. By The way Millions of US Internet users search " Motivational Quotes" daily so why Not Export Qayeem Ali Shah Sorry Qasim Ali Shah and Javed Chaudhry as well. Both are masters in Making unbelievable Stories that never happened but only happened to Them.

18,00 Found Interested to find and calculate Malala Age by searching Google as " How Old Malala Is? ". Even People In The World Supper Power do crazy searches like Indian, Pakistanis and bla bla... "Wazgar Khel" ? No It is often and common people want to know minutes and narrow details/Bio Data of Celebrities. And for sure, Malala is celebrity. You accept it or not.

Some more Interesting Google Searches In USA like Malala Husband Name ( Let Me Tell The Americans. He Is Aseer Malik and My Name Is Not Asser Malik. Got it? ), Malala Of Maiwand, Malala reality, Where she lives, facts about Malala, Is She Married, Malala Story, What Happend to her and 31k + more..

امریکہ میں ملالا یوسفزئی کی ناقابل یقین ڈیجیٹل مقبولیت

No Da Qesi Di No...

چا چي دا لیک لوستي نو کور ي ودان


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