Mata Janan Bacha Khan. My Beloved Bacha Khan.
Mata Khpal Janan Bacha Khan by Shams Ul Qamar Andesh.
ماته خپل جانان باچاخان
ماته زما ځان باچاخان
دغه شان وئيلي دي
حق وايه، رښتيا وايه
ويره د چا مه کوه
نېغ په هر ظالم ورځه
ډډه د چا مه کوه
(اندېش شمس القمر)
English Summery Of Poem.
My Beloved Bacha Khan Told me to stand With Truth at Right Side. Never fear anyone for speaking Truth and Never Hesitate to Stand Against Cruel.
Pashto Times. Pashto Poetry for Bacha Khan.
Mata Janan Bacha Khan. Pashto Quotes about Truth. Pashto Quotes about Bacha Khan.
Mata Khpal Janan Bacha Khan by Shams Ul Qamar Andesh. My Beloved Bacha Khan Told me to stand With Truth at Right Side. Dont fear anyone for speaking Truth and Stand Against Cruel.
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