One of the life-changing and most effective self-improvement FORMULA: DOO
By Naeem Khan.
Do as you want from others
Do you like truthful, real, genuine, honest, natural and sincere persons?
Be yourself as others also want YOU to be the same.
Do you want people to be hardworking, smart, intelligent, analytical, curious, creative and professional?
Be yourself the same as well.
Do you want an expert, dynamic, attentive, engaged and successful teacher?
Be the same as student.
Don't be a hypocrite as you wish others are nice, sympathetic, empathetic, kind, loving, responsible, responsive and you're not the same !
Love begets love. Money brings more money. Action guarantees reaction and response generates more actions in right direction.
Start from yourself. Be a gold magnet 🧲 ✨. You'll sooner be in goldmine. Create cause for the desirable effect. Have garden for flowers 💐. Have river for water.
Be an ocean and absorb all dirt. Be a lake where a glass of dirt disappears and it still remains fresh.
Insist on what you want and the other will take you seriously. Those who are not sincere with themselves can't be sincere with others.
Those who can ignore themselves, can easily ignore others. They're not trustworthy.
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