Why Philosophy? By Naeem Kham
Religion is from God and no more prophets.
Science needs labs and instruments; not in everybody's reach.
Mysticism is personal experience and can't be shared with others exactly.
What human beings will do with its brain, its thinking capacity and analytical skills?
Only option is Philosophy to think rationally, critically, ideally, realistically, logically; present these thoughts linguistically and experience empirically or go transcendental or intuitive.
Even emotions, wisdom, happiness(Eudaimonia ) ,theorizing, debates, polemics, dialectics need Philosophy.
How to run a state ? How to behave ethically?What's Science or Language or Mind or Existence or Reality or truth or knowledge? We
need Philosophy for all this and so on.
Those who are not prophets or scientists or mystics, they have only one option and that's called PHILOSOPHY!
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