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Ghani Khan: The rhythms of hope: By Arshad Ali

 Ghani Khan: The rhythms of hope: 

Ghani khan poetry was brought into the mainstream media by the great legend sufi , musician , philosopher  and Mechanical engineer Sardar Ali takkar during his college life .  We are so grateful to takkar siab because of him we know Ghani khan,a poet whom nobody was aware of, and suddenly their rendition of Ghani Khan’s “Songs ” became one of the big sensations in Afghanistan and khyber pukhtoonkhwa and more recently the discovery of the Yasir and Jawad (Y and J) band has brought Ghani Khan’s poetry into the different level one of their song the  “Reidi Gul” became a big sensation, one of the most viewed videos on Youtube. 

Despite his affiliations with a political family, his poetry was totally non-conformist and his approach towards life, religion and the world is what makes him interesting for today’s youth. 

All Ghani talks about is peace and tolerance, in one of his writings he says that human beings today are thirsty for each other’s blood and even their love for a beloved, is more like lust, so it’s better to spend one’s life in a desert full of masti.

If you compare Ghani Khan to other Pashto poets like Rehman Baba, you’ll realise that Baba’s poetry is Sufi and is written in a preachy sort of manner and today’s youth wants something different , whereas Ghani wrote about topics relevant to youngsters and gives them a new perspective. On the contrary, some people, who have studied Ghani Khan’s poetry in detail, believe that it was his interpretation of God and faith which distinguished him from other Pashto poets.

If you look at Pashto poetry at large, due to the emphasis that Pashtuns put on religion, the concept of a beloved has only been used for God, whereas Ghani himself, being a strong opponent of of mullas he believed that your destiny or your purpose of life can also be your beloved, which is much more pleasing. 

Ghani Khan’s poetry is the requirement for today’s Khyber-Paktunkhwa because the people there have lost hope in the state and every other form of authority, and it is important that we revisit people like Ghani Khan who give us hope, before it gets worse.

Our province is going through serious socio-economic and political turmoil. all the misery, terrorism and target killing and military , operations , poverty power shortage , unemployment and much more , people still love the sound of the Rabab, enjoy singing and if anything can give them hope now, it is inspirational poetry like Ghani Khan’s.”

Ghani Khan’s message for all of us : 

In a desert, once, on a hunt did I find,

With a radiant smile, a flower so fair;

In a desert, once, on a hunt did I find,

With a radiant smile, a flower so fair;

Sadly, I approached and sighed, “Ah! Of my kind

Are you too – a hapless flower from a beloved’s hair.

Frail fingers wouldn’t take you to a soft face so close,

Nor would you be kissed by lips delicate and rose.”

With a silent smile the flower replied, “Don’t lose heart!

With a silent smile the flower replied, “Don’t lose heart!

This desert I wouldn’t give up for the gardens of Iran,

Solitary I am here while legions are there,   Amidst this cursed soil I stand apart.

In this gray desert, a flamboyant flame of divine light am I,

Beauty’s silent song, a miracle from the sky.

In your garden, there are thousands of flowers like me

In your garden, there are thousands of flowers like me

Beauty’s silent song, a miracle from the sky.

In your garden, there are thousands of flowers like me –

A nameless droplet in a nameless sea.

You too, in your desert, don’t feel forlorn,

To behold you at last shall come a sore Ghani Khan.

To behold you at last shall come a sore Ghani

Ghani Khan’s poem “Reidi Gul

Ghani Khan Baba Nazam Redi Gul With English Translation.

English Translation Of Ghani Khan Poems. Ghani Khan Poetic Works English Translation. Redi Gul Nazam Of Ghani Khan. Pashto Poetry Of Ghani Khan In English.

Pashto Times. Blogs About Ghani Khan Works
Ghani Khan Baba Nazam Redi Gul With English Translation.

English Translation Of Ghani Khan Poems. Ghani Khan Poetic Works English Translation. Redi Gul Nazam Of Ghani Khan. Pashto Poetry Of Ghani Khan In English.

Pashto Times. Blogs About Ghani Khan Works

Ghani Khan Baba Nazam Redi Gul With English Translation.

English Translation Of Ghani Khan Poems. Ghani Khan Poetic Works English Translation. Redi Gul Nazam Of Ghani Khan. Pashto Poetry Of Ghani Khan In English.

Pashto Times. Blogs About Ghani Khan Works.


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