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Khushal Baba And Rahman Baba Pashto Two Lines Poetry.

Khushal Baba And Rahman Baba Pashto Two Lines Poetry.

زه طوطي شکر پرست يم

د ستا شونډي ميټائي

~ رحمان بابا

‏‏دواړه شونډې د خوشال خټک په خوله کړه

و طوطی ته ورکوي خلک شکرې

~ خوشال بابا

Two Lines Pashto New Poetry. Pashto Shayeri, Pukhto Sherona. Pukhto Sherona, Pashto Two Lines Poetry, New Pashto Two Lines Sherona, Pukhto Ghazal Zaar Times. Pashto New Two Lines lyrics
