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Summery Of Noam Chomsky Book " Who Rules The World

Summery Of Noam Chomsky Book " Who Rules The World.

Writing here an Introduction and a conclusion of detailed book summary:I attached some takeaways in the form of pictures 

By Muhammad Wajahat Sultan.

This book is must read for International Relations students.

For reading detailed insight summary you can read it on my Instagram:beingwajahat 


The United States entered into peak power after the World War II. Its capacity has been steadily dwindling since.The US has frequently governed as if it had the right to decree the world and inflict their desires on other nations.Iran is not a nuclear danger as huge as we were made to speculate.The confrontation between Israel and Palestine is damaging more Palestinians (encompassing children), but an explanation is yet to be establish.The US has attempted to infringe in or compel its will on several nations in South America and the Middle East – periodically with devastating consequences.The US believes it has the liberty to accomplish activities that would be tagged “acts of terror” if other nations had the courage to behave in the similar way.Some of the hazards we require to pay scrutiny to are global warming and the chance of nuclear war.

Noam Chomsky is the most cited living Intellectual Giant in the world.Who Rules the World? by Noam Chomsky is a book worth reading if you are into contemporary and current global politics, with an emphasis on United States foreign policy. Reading the book may prove complex at times, but Noam Chomsky is known for his very strict positions on the matter. He is thus a voice that needs hearing, whether we agree with him or not.

The main insights:

The author comes to the following conclusions.Intellectuals can contribute but in practice dissident ideas are a threat.Perception of terrorism is biased.The United States and their recourse to torture created more radicalization and terrorism.The United States is a terrorist state which has had recourse to terrorist methods from years, from Cuba to modern drones.

There is an American Decline. It partly derives from corporate pressure.The United States has no competitors capable of taking over global leadership. Especially since China and India are poor countries.

Iran was never a nuclear threat but the US is the world’s greatest danger.US foreign policy in support of Israel is responsible for the Palestine crisis.Democratic societies are threatened by corporate interests and financialization.Corporate interests and a terrorist state most likely rule the world.

Noam Chomsky explores these major themes:

The responsibility of intellectuals

Terrorism / the United States as a terrorist state

The corruption of democratic systems by financialization

The decline of the United States

The US, Israel and Palestine triangle

Challenges ahead



Chomsky interprets Obama’s recourse to military drones as the “most drastic terrorist crusade of contemporary times”. And, again, he bemoans that “the world” doesn’t glimpse the outrage. So? The United States is the massive terrorist danger to stability. And the Iranian hazard scandal verifies it. In chapter 21, Chomsky expands the notion that while Iran’s nuclear policy was a crucial basis of regional and worldwide anxieties, in truth the threat was never Iran. Why? Because Iran was never in a posture to jeopardize. 

Who is the enormous problem to world stability?Chomsky overall asks “who is the considerable threat to world peace?”. His verdict is reasonable. The United States is the world’s champion when it comes to regime change. Nothing correlates to the United States when it reaches to terrorism.




Summery Of Noam Chomsky Book " Who Rules The World . Review Of Book Who Rules The World. English Summery Of Noam Chomsky Book who Rules The World.

Summery Of Noam Chomsky Book " Who Rules The World. 
Summery Of Noam Chomsky Book " Who Rules The World . Review Of Book Who Rules The World. English Summery Of Noam Chomsky Book who Rules The World.

Summery Of Noam Chomsky Book " Who Rules The World.

Summery Of Noam Chomsky Book " Who Rules The World . Review Of Book Who Rules The World. English Summery Of Noam Chomsky Book who Rules The World.

Summery Of Noam Chomsky Book " Who Rules The World.

Summery Of Noam Chomsky Book " Who Rules The World . Review Of Book Who Rules The World. English Summery Of Noam Chomsky Book who Rules The World.
Summery Of Noam Chomsky Book " Who Rules The World.

Summery Of Noam Chomsky Book " Who Rules The World . Review Of Book Who Rules The World. English Summery Of Noam Chomsky Book who Rules The World.

Summery Of Noam Chomsky Book " Who Rules The World

Summery Of Noam Chomsky Book " Who Rules The World . Review Of Book Who Rules The World. English Summery Of Noam Chomsky Book who Rules The World.

Summery Of Noam Chomsky Book " Who Rules The World


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