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Ghamidi is worse than typical Mullahs as they interpret Religion religiously

 Ghamidi is worse than typical Mullahs as they interpret Religion religiously but this guy is distorting Religion !

By Naeem Khan

 Beware of such people who are polluting Religion with adulteration. Religion is faith.  It can't be mixed neither with Philosophy nor with Science.

Ghamidi is another guy like Iqbal and Maudoodi wasting his own time and energy and of others, on the so called Reformation.  

Just TV shows and Facebook posts won't bring exact change.  He has no original ideas or creativity.  Talking same stuff in different words. Don't waste your time and energy by listening to him. At the end,  you won't get anything valuable.  

Go to the original words of God and Prophets directly, if interested in pure religious or theological stuff, instead of these imitators.  

Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam of Iqbal,  his poetry and books of Maudoodi just produced bigots, fanatics and extremists, not enlightened lot.

Once it's not scientific and philosophical,  it can never bring any real change. 

We must struggle for ORE, our own Renaissance and Enlightenment via SSPPAL Science, Spirituality, Philosophy, Psychology, Art and Law.

Mutazilites unsuccessfully tried to mix religion and Philosophy but miserably failed.  Asharites were true to their religion like today's molvis. Ghamidi and the likes like Mutazilites  are worse than Mullahs who follow neither religion nor Philosophy and mislead youth by wasting their time and energy. Mixing Religion and Philosophy is a stupid,  irrational and unphilosophical act. One claims to come from Non-human God while the other is product of human mind and senses.

Why Philosopher and Founder of Scientific Method Francis Bacon had to refer to religion?

Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount St Alban, Kt, PC, QC, also known as Lord Verulam, was an English philosopher and statesman who served as Attorney General and as Lord Chancellor of England. His works are seen as developing the scientific method and remained influential through the scientific revolution. 

He was born in 1561 and died in 1626. That was the end of Dark Ages and start of Renaissance leading to Enlightenment.  

The Renaissance is a period in European history marking the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity and covering the 15th and 16th centuries, characterized by an effort to revive and surpass ideas and achievements of classical antiquity. 

The Age of Enlightenment was an intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated the world of ideas in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries.

As you see  that some religious Mullahs like Ghamidi or Maudoodi or Shariati etc resort to Science and Philosophy for their religious propaganda,  similarly at that time Bacon had to use religion for his philosophical and scientific teachings as religion was still very strong in Europe. 

Later on the rationalists and empiricists separated divine teachings or dogma from Science and Philosophy.

Ghamdi is a highly misguided person and misguiding millions further.  He is an obstacle to promote Science and Philosophy.  

People consider him as an intellectual but he is worse than a Molvi. A Molvi at least talks religiously,  within the parameters of religion.  

Ghamdi neither represents religion nor Philosophy and Science.  His hotchpotch is extremely dangerous. He must be stopped from his farrago.

 Let people follow religion, science, philosophy distinctively. No body will stop you to be a scientist or philosopher or artist if you don't create religious polemics by mixing religion as mishmash.

Religion can be given and  interpreted only by God and Prophets as religions claim. Are  Ghamidi or Maudoodi or Dr. Israr or Nayak etc Prophets? Is prophethood not stopped for ever?

Saudi understands Islam better and that's why they consider religion only the holy books. All these pundits are not allowed there.

Vatican city is limited to Pope and so on. 

We mix things disproportionately.


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