Marriage Of Young Girls With Older Men. Pashto Tappa Explained
د کوټې تیر راباندې پروت وے
راباندې نۀ وے د بوډا سړي لاسونه
I can bear the Roof beam on my body
But I can’t bear the hands of old man on my body.
Forced Marriage Analysis
Tappa (Pashto: ټپه) is the oldest and most popular genre of the Pashto poetry. The Tappa is a composition of two unequal meters, in which the first line is shorter than the succeeding one, yet it reflects all human feelings and aspirations elegantly.
The above mentioned couplet is a Puhsto Tappa,(ټپه) expressing the sad and heartbreaking feelings of young girl who is forcefully married to aged person just because the aged man is materially powerful and he has worldly possessions and nothing more. Forced marriage is a marriage in which a innocent girl is married to man without her consent or against her will.
Force Marriage is great curse and brutality, taking place routinely in the Pushton society. However, Forced Marriage can be termed as one of the outcomes of extreme “Patriarchy” that exists In Pushton society. In this Tappa, the forcedly married girl, show gre
at reluctance for Intimacy and Romance with her aged husband and she considers this bond with her aged husband/old man as slavery and oppression.
To her,( Roof Beam د کوټې تیر )
It supports the floor or roof above while adding integrity to the walls. It also supports joists, trusses and other roofing elements.) is bearable on her body but the hands of that old and aged man is not bearable for her to touch her body.
Nouman Azad
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