One was Ashraf Ghani and one is Vlodomir Zelensky"
By Shiraz Khan Momand.
A Diplomat should not be a soldier and a soldier should not become a diplomat and a comedian actor should not become a ruler otherwise he will take everything as a comedy movie where main character always wins...
Ashraf Ghani is a pure Diplomat that's why he saw what the US was planning to do with Kabul and he took a very diplomatic decision on very time to leave Kabul , not like Zelensky who destroyed his country and people just for the sake of some heroic moments like he did in his movie before...
"One was Ashraf Ghani and one is Vlodomir Zelensky" a headline from a European newspaper
Now see the other picture and everyone can clearly and undoubtedly say that which one is Kabul and which one is Ukraine...
Kabul is standing tall , this is Ashraf Ghani
Ukraine is falling , this is Zelensky
Half of the Ukraine is now in Russia's control , millions of people fled to other countries , civil and military infrastructure is completely destroyed and much more..
But Kabul is in peace...
This is Ashraf Ghani...
No regime is permanent and Kabul regime will change but the main thing is that after 40 years of continues war and bloodshed , the Kabul as a city is standing in 2022 and Ukraine is sent back to 1990 in just a week...
Those who enjoy good days with US will cry alone just as (Hero) Zelensky ..
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