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Representations and Sorrow (See the english version below

 Representations and Sorrow (See the english version below)

By Almas Khan. 

Representation Of Sorrow In Art.

هره سائنسي تيوري د کتنې يو انداز دې. ځکه خو وخت په وخت انسان دا انداز بدل کړې دې. د نيوټڼ د تيورې ځائې کوانټم او رېلېټېوېټي اونيوو. وروستنې کتنه لږه زياته پراخه وي او د مخکنئ کتنې برخې په ځان کې رانغاړي. لکه څنګه چې د نيوټن کانونونه په کوانټم تيورئ کې د برخو په توګه نغښتل شوي دي.

ورانې هلته جوړېږي کله چې سوچ د کتنې انداز اخيري اوګڼي او اټل اوګڼي. دې سره مائنډ د ازادو غزوونو جوګه پاتې نه شي. د کتنې انداز چې چې چورلټ اوګڼل شي نو دا د مائنډ د ازاد خوزښت په لاره کې  خنډ شي

هر سړې د کتنې انداز د زرورت په ايساب بدلوي خو په ژوره توګه بدلون ته اړتيا وي. د ميسال په توګه يو سائنسپوه په لېب کې الېکټران، پروټان، فيلډ، کوانټم تيوري او رېلېټېوېټي د کتنې د انداز په توګه کاروي. په کور کې په دوکان کې په غم ښادئ کې حسد، غوسه، بورډم، خفګان، خوندور، بې خونده، خپل پردې او دغسې نور توکي د کتنې د انداز په توګه کاروي. په کور کې خپل ماشوم ته د الېکټرانو او پروټانو د مجموعې په توګه نه ګوري. ماشوم ته د ځوي، ښه سړي، نالائقه او باتور په کېټېګريز کې ګوري

اوس د کتنې دا يو انداز دې د کائنات اسليت ګڼي او دا بل بيا ټولنيز چوکاټ. دي خو دواڼه د کتنې اندازونه خو په يو کې کره والې ډېر دې او بل لږ لواړ دې. دې دا هم ګڼي چې دا يو زيات بنيادي دې او دا يو انداز په دغه بل انداز کې نغښتې دې.

ژبه ټوله د کتنې د اندازونو نه ډکه ده. هر نوم هر بيان او هره خانه د کتنې د انداز برخې دي

اوس پوښتنه دا ده چې ايا مونږ د کتنې د انداز نه بهر وتلې شو او چې څه دي د هغې سره نېغ په نېغه د نوم او تيوري نه بغېر مخامخ کېدې شو؟

د دې پوښتنې په جواب کې تادي مه کوه ځکه چې کېدې شي جواب په هاغه انداز کې راولاړ شوې وي چې مونږ د پېړېو پېړېو نه راخپل کړې دې. نو څه به کوو؟

کول دا پکار دي چې مونږ د کتنې اندازونه اووينو. دا په ژوره توګه اووينو چې ژبه، نومونه، تيوريګانې او فلسفې ټول د کتنې اندازونه دي. کله چې د کتنې دا ټول اندازونه د خبردارئ د رڼا لاندې راشي نو مائنډ به د دوي د پنجو نه ازاد شی. بيا به مائنډ د ازاد خوزښت جوګه شي او د مائنډ خوزښت به د هاغه سره هم اهنګ شي چې څه دي

کړاو هم دغه دې کله چې مائنډ د کتنې په اندازونو کې نښتې وي. د زرګونو کلونو په اوږد وخت کې مائنډ د کتنې د اندازونو په ارټ کې لکه د لوټکي اوړي راوړي. کوم د کتنې اندازونه چې د زرورت د پاره جوړ وو هغه اندازونه د انسان او کائنات تر منځه د بېلوالي سبب شوي دي. د جدائې دا غم انسان ارام ته نه پرېږدي. دا غم او دا کړاو د انسان په شاعرئ، په ليکنو، په فلسفو او په سائنسونو کې ليدل کېږي. د دې کړاو جرړه ليدل باريک او نازک کار دې. دغه مېډېټېشن دې

Our theories are representations, one replacing the other and the more general containing the more particular as an approximation.

One can see that Newton's Laws were replaced by Quantum Theory and Relativity.

Thought has a tendency to confuse its own representation with the actuality. The mind then loses the opportunity of free play because  it is restricted by the necessity of the reality of the content of our models (representations).

For example we assume that we know the fundamental building blocks of matter, and everything is made from these building blocks. The fact is that electrons, photons and protons are also a representation of "what is". We can replace them by representations like fields and strings.

The reason protons and electrons look like the reality itself is because that representation was very successful and for long enough that thought confused the representation with "what is". Now when we go to the field representation we always think of electrons and protons as real, and we think of fields as mathematical constructions. But the fact is that they are both representations and one representation may contain the other as a limiting case.

Mind should be free to keep changing representations whenever needed. To some extent we do that. For example, in our everyday life a scientist uses the representation of relationships, jealousy, envy, greed, beauty, ugliness, and anger to describe the world around her. In the lab she uses the representation of photons and electrons to describe the world around her. If her mind will not be free to choose between the two then it will become very difficult for her to have a social life or to have the language to make progress in science.

The confusion arises when she takes the one representation as truth but the other one as just social life. This is because the precision and power of one representation makes her confuse it with reality while the crudeness of another representation makes her believe it non-reality or psychological stuff or social constructs or whatever.

Language itself provides a huge scope for different kinds of representations. Names are representations. Descriptions are theories and hence representations. Categories are representations.

Every interaction that we know, is a representation.

The question now arises: Can we interact with "what is" as the "presentation" which is beyond "representation"? Can we encounter "what is" without the word or symbols, or theories, or names? Can we see hear and touch without the representations interfering?

Here one must be careful not to answer the question in a hurry because the answer may be coming from the huge background of representations accumulated over thousands of years as language, science, theories, and knowledge of all kinds.

So, what can one do?

Perhaps one can start looking at representations and see their true nature as representations. One can look at the role of experience as memory, as representation, as theories as models, as names and all that. From this seeing it may happen that the mind becomes free from these representations. Once free it can then move in harmony with "what is" and perhaps meet that which is beyond representation or that which has been represented by thousands of representations over thousands of years.

Perhaps that is what suffering is. Suffering is to be stuck in representations and not knowing it. To be dominated by the necessity of the representations as reality and hence defending these to the extent of losing life over it. For example the idea of a nation is a representation but people die for it. This is the suffering of mankind. This is the sorrow man has been living for thousands of years and does not know how to get out of it.

All the poetry, drama, art, and songs are reflecting this sorrow. Because he is that which is, but the domination of the representation has created a separation a duality and sometimes he sees that and expresses it through songs, dramas, and art.

A different society will be possible when man becomes aware of the tremendous network of representations that he has created over thousands of years and sees its role in the separation of him and the rest and the fragmentation of the mind.

Man is in sorrow because he is separated or is subject to duality. It is not your sorrow or mine but it is the sorrow of the whole of humanity. He suffers because his consciousness is dominated by the separateness of the universe from him. He sees himself and the rest of the universe as two things. He has forgotten that his representation is forcing him see things the way he sees it. He has forgotten that what he created for convenience and for practical needs has now replaced "what is". He is circulating in the limitations of his representations, and he is going through boredom, pain, and misery.

To reduce his pain, to distract attention from the pain and misery he has created a tremendous amount of art, drama, poetry and music and science. He has created a huge network of escapes from the sorrow he is in. This huge network releases his pain from time to time but ultimately it adds to the pain and the sorrow because all this goes back to the representation and hence reinforces the separation, the source of the pain.

If only he can stop and pay attention to the pain and stay with the suffering, then it will be possible to see it. If he is escaping all the time, then he never sees it. The way to break the vicious cycle of the representations and hence the duality is to not run away from the boredom, anger, violence, and misery. See it as it is and stay with it. This will reveal the whole structure of the representations to his attention and this seeing will be an action by itself. It will dispel the network of representations and hence he will be break out of the duality and hence sorrow.

By Almas Khan

Representations and Sorrow (See the english version below)

By Almas Khan. 

Representation Of Sorrow In Art.


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