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When I say, ”The Poet”. What kind of a person is pictured in your imagination? Definitely a person who loves, a person who can give up everything for the sake of love, a person who screams, “Beloved! Beloved” incessantly trying to prove that the spirit of love has completely overtaken his soul. A person who is unable to find a single moment of solace when his beloved is out of sight, a person who never betrays his supreme objective of love, a person who is honest about his feelings, a person who never fakes pain or suffering, a person who would wish the brightest ecstasies for his love even if he has to endure the darkest agonies himself, and a person whose pride lies in calling himself an exponent of love. Weren’t you thinking of a person possessing such a character? Yes, you were! Because that’s how poets are supposed to be. But let me introduce you to another kind of poets; the ones who openly admit their flaws and who blatantly reveal the ugliness of their nature—Jaun Elia and Ghani Khan. 

Jaun says,

شاید مجھے کسی سے محبت نہیں ہوئی


لیکن یقین سب کو دلاتا رہا ہوں میں

He, without any fear, admits that he never loved, rather just faked it. Ghani Khan also concurs with this idea. He says,

مینه مینه په خوله وائم  مینه نه لرم حیوان یم


نه میں لوظ نه میں قسم شته  نه میئن په یو جانان یم

Ghani means to say that he’s a hypocrite who isn’t loyal to his beloved, nor is he a staunch believer of the idea of love. This is such a brave move from both of these great poets to say what most of the poets would never dare to. This straightforwardness is unmatchable. 

At another point, Jaun paints an embarrassing, yet a true picture of his falsity, he says

تم ﻣﯿﺮﺍ ﺩﮐھ ﺑﺎﻧﭧ ﺭﮨﯽ ﮨﻮ ﺍﻭﺭ

ﻣﯿﮟ ﺩﻝ ﻣﯿﮟ ﺷﺮﻣﻨﺪﮦ ﮨﻮﮞ

ﺍﭘﻨﮯ ﺟﮭﻮﭨﮯ ﺩکھ ﺳﮯ ﺗﻢ ﮐو

ﮐب ﺗﮏ ﺩﮐھ ﭘﮩﻨﭽﺎﺅﮞ ﮔا

In the same manner Ghani reveals his hypocrisy by saying, 

دروغجن یم دروغجن یم دا د قصده کوم فریاد

نه یم تنــــګ زۀ ده دې اوره زۀ په دۀ یمــــه اباد 

Both Jaun and Ghani are acknowledging the fact that they are exhibitionists trying to seek attention with their sham cries of suffering and pain. These sorts of blatant confessions, at times, can offend the folks, but ‘truth’ is what matters the most and truth is what both of these great poets are avowing. 

—Nofal Arbab.

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