DG ISPR Refutes Imran Khan Allegations on 14 April 2022.
فوجی ترجمان نے عمران خان کی 3باتوں کی تردید کی اوّل یہ کہا کہ امریکہ کی طرف سے کوئی سازش نہیں ہوئی دوئم یہ کہ فوج نے نہیں بلکہ عمران خان نے فوج سے رابطہ کرکے تحریک عدم اعتماد وآپس کروا کر استعفے کی بات کی اور سوئم یہ کہ (عمران خان کے دعوے کے برعکس )امریکہ نے اڈے مانگے ہی نہیں۔
Key Points Of DGISPR Babar Iftikhar Presser Today.
ڈی جی آئی ایس پی آر کی بریفننگ
تحریک انصاف کے بیانیے کا دھڑن تختہ۔
کوئی سازش نہیں ہوئی
کوئی ملاقاتیں نہیں ہوئیں
کوئی پیشکش حکومت کو نہیں کی گئی
کوئی ایٹمی پروگرام کے خلاف سازش نہیں ہوئی
امریکہ نے کوئی اڈے نہیں مانگے
جنرل باجوہ نے کوئی ایکسٹینشن نا مانگی نا مانگیں گے
افواج پاکستان کےترجمان کی پریس کانفرنس نےکیبل' امریکی سازش'ابسلوٹلی ناٹ اور9 اپریل کے واقعات سےمتعلق عمران خان کےدعووں کوجھوٹ اورہم جیسےطالب علموں کی آرا کودرست ثابت کیا۔اپنی تحقیق کے مطابق پوری ایمانداری سےکہہ رہا ہوں کہ حقائق وہی ہیں جوڈی جی آئی ایس پی آرنےبیان کیں
سازش والے بیانیے پر تو بلڈوزر ہی چلا دیا۔۔
'جو قومی سلامتی کمیٹی کا اعلامیہ ہے وہ واضح ہے میرا نہیں خیال اُس میں کسی سازش کا ذکر ہے' سات مارچ کو مراسلے کے بعد ISI نے مکمل تحقیقات کیں اور قومی سلامتی کمیٹی میں فائنڈنگ پیش کیں۔ وہ اعلامیے میں موجود ہے۔ ڈی جی آئی ایس پی آر
DGISPR debunks accusations of “conspiracy” behind Imran’s ouster asking if the word “conspiracy” is in the press release issued after the National Security Committee. Confirms Imran requested Gen Bajwa to intervene with PDM for a way out. Denies US ever asked for bases.
DG ISPR Destroys Imran Khan’s False Narrative
1. No word of “Conspiracy” in the “letter”
2. Army did not give three options; army clarifies Imran Khan asked for military’s help
3. America never asked for military bases at any level, Imran Khan’s “Absolutely not” was to reporter
The DG ISPR presser in a nutshell - no foreign conspiracy, the US did not ask for military bases, don’t use the nuclear assets for politics, the army is “apolitical” not neutral.
Complete Transcript Of DG ISPR Babar Iftikhar Press Conference Today. 14 April 2022.
DG ISPR: 'Any effort to create a rift between the people and the armed forces is against national interest. Constructive critics, is fine but.... a malicious campaign is being run against the army and its leadership, using even deepfake tech'
DG ISPR: 'We request the awaam and the political parties to keep the fauj out of this. Do not drag us into this discourse'.
DG ISPR (responding to a ques): 'The military leadership's stance [re the 'letter'] was given in the NSC meeting thoroughly and the statement that came out of the NSC was our stance. The statement is for all to see....'
DG ISPR: 'Is the word conspiracy in the NSC statement? I don't think so'
DG ISPR: 'It is unfortunate that our pol parties werent ready to talk to each other so the army leadership went to mediate. Three scenarios were discussed: VONC; PM resignation; VONC taken back and early elections. COAS went to opp who said no'.
DG ISPR: 'We should be careful talking abt nuclear assets. Also: nuclear assets are not with one political party...all govts/parties that have come to power have defended and protected pour nuclear assets.'
DG ISPR: 'Neutral may not be the right word to describe the armed forces standing... apolitical would be better. We have now tried to give this a practical shape [apolitical nature]'
DG ISPR: 'We have nothing to do with politics. Is anyone today talking about 'phone calls'? If anyone is saying it, pls bring fwd evidence....the past two years we have given this a practical shape [apolitical role]'
DG ISPR: 'We are trying to fulfil our constitutional role --- and we need your help in this'.
DG ISPR: 'It is an absolutely untrue and wahiyaat story by BBC [re the April 9 night goings-on]....there is nothing in that story'.
DG ISPR: 'If anyone has any evidence of any deal re the political happenings, pls bring it fwd. Let me put this to rest today: the COAS will neither be seeking an extension nor will accept an extension ...this is character assassination, these rumours re extension playing a role'
DG ISPR: 'How does propaganda spread? When ppl like you and I start believing things without fact checking and then share them'
DG ISPR: 'Our armed forces cant get involved in anything else. Blaming us for something for no reason is unjustified completely...do you think the judiciary is under the fauj? There was no talk of martial law....there will never be martial law in Pakistan'.
DG ISPR: 'if anyone has any evidence of any intervention by the fauj, please bring it to us. The fauj is NOT involved in politics. Our actions speak louder than words now -- and will continue to do so'
DG ISPR: 'Demarche is given for various reasons. The NSC statement says the conversation was undiplomatic...demarche is diplomatic procedure'.
DG ISPR: 'Whatever happened the past few days, is it not part of the political process as per the constitution of Pakistan? Fauj has nothing to do with that'
DG ISPR: 'There has been a history [of intervention]....I'm saying if you have evidence now of that, show it'.
DG ISPR: 'Propaganda might not create fissures but it amplifies them. There do exist fissures and they get amplified like this. To pitch people's political thoughts and misgivings with such speed, esp among the youth which may not be as well-informed....'
DG ISPR: 'We will need to insulate our society from all this....on an institutional level and on an individual level. The army is a special target.'
DG ISPR: 'There is no movement on the eastern front at the moment...but we are keeping an eye'.
DG ISPR: 'The fauj works on unity of command. Where the COAS looks that's where the rest of the fauj looks. There is no division in the fauj. That's how it is and that's how it will. There is no truth to [infighting reports]'.
DG ISPR: 'The day the new govt took over, after that the stock market improved and the dollar also went down...so that is a sign of political stability...will take some time for stability to settle'.
DG ISPR: 'Our concerned authorities of all the social media data....when we make sense of it, it will be shared. It [the social media propaganda] started locally and then was amplified'
DG ISPR: 'Govts come and go, the institution is subservient to them....there is no issue with anyone. No problem with any party'.
DG ISPR: 'Protests and rallies are a part of democracy. It wasnt possible in Pakistan in the past due to terrorism. The institutions created the enabling environment for people to come together in freedom....to say what they wish to, whether good or bad. This is part of democracy
DG ISPR: 'We cant afford to decide which govt we want to work with. Parliament reflects the ppl's vote. Our jurisdiction [fauj] is natl security. We give our input but it is not binding. Politicians have the mandate & moral authority. Moral authority is always stronger'
And the end of the DG ISPR's presser.
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