The reason Afghans/Pashtuns claim a 5000 years old history
The reason Afghans/Pashtuns claim a 5000 years old history is because of the Vedic records of Abagans, Suris, Sakas (Scythians). The Vedas books talk about the Pashtuns, their Kings, wars, mountains and regions.
→ In Vedas, the word Pakthas is used for the people of Loya Pakita and it comprises the modern Afghan provinces of Khost, Paktia, and Paktika, Logar, Ghazni, parts of Kurram and Waziristan too.
→ In Rig-Veda. The work "Phaktheen" was used for Pakhtoon. Initially Phaktheen is also called Pashteen/ Pashtoon because of the different dialect of Pashtuns.
→ It is also mentioned in Rig-Veda that Pashtoons used to stay in Bactria (Bakhtar ) – The old name of Afghanistan for so many years. In Bactria/Bakhtar, the Pashtoons are known as the inhabitants of Bakhd. After that the city of Balkh in the present Afghanistan.
→ In Rig-Veda it is mentioned that:
1. “The Pakthas was one of the five frontier tribes. The Pakthas lived in the hills from which the Kruma (Kurram valley/agency) originates."
2. “The Pakthas were one of the tribes that fought against Sudas King in the Dasarajna War (the Battle of the Ten Kings) – Rigveda (RV 7.18.7).”
→ Dasha means ten and Raja/Rajna means king. So, the Dasarajna war means – The War of ten kings. The 10 ten kings who fought this war are:
“Puru, Yadu, Turvasa, Adu, Druhyu, Alina, Paktha, Bhalanas, Siva and Vishanin”.
➤ Pakhta was a king of Pashtun Tribe.
➤ Puru used to live near Helmand River Afghanistan.
➤ Alina used to in Nuristan/Kafiristan, Afghanistan.
➤ Bhalanas used to live in Bolan Pass region.
➤ Druhyus was the king of Gandhara (Afghanistan).
→ For Sakas (Scythians) – The word “Panis” is used.
→ In the Rigveda, the Kurram valley is mentioned as "Kruma". And the Kurram Valley is mostly inhabited by the Bangash and Turi Pashtun tribes today.
→ In 1700-1100 BC: The Rigveda, the oldest known texts written in an Indo-European language, is composed in a region described as Sapta Sindhu ('land of seven great rivers', which may correspond to the Kabul Valley).
⫷ Greek Records ⫸
→ Pashtoons are also stated by some Greek historians. They mentioned them as Pakteen and Pashteen, and these words resembled with word Pashtoon/Pakhtoon.
→ Herodotus ( The Father of the History ) – An ancient Greek historian, wrote a book 2500 years ago in 500BC. He used the word Pactyans (پاکټیان) for Pashtuns who lived in Loy Paktia (Which includes modern Afghaistan and Pakhtunkhwa regions). It is also possible that this word Pactyan change into Pathan when it arrived to India.
→ Achaemenid inscription where excavated in 500–400BC mentions Afghans as "Abgans"
→ In Book “The Huns” – The word “Afganish” in 6th Century is used for the king of Hephthalites/White Huns who were Abdaleo/Abdali Pashtuns.
#PashtunUntoldFacts 💜✌️
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