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Two million and six hundred thousand Kuchi are displaced in Afghanistan


Kuchis and their civil rights.

Two million and six hundred thousand Kuchi are displaced in Afghanistan.

 Using Uses, Tillages, and Accommodation of Kuchis

Written and Researched by Dr. Mohammad Halim Tanwir

Kochi and their civil rights. Kuchis and their civil rights.

Two million and six hundred thousand kochi are homeless in Afghanistan. Two million and six hundred thousand Kuchi are displaced in Afghanistan.

Using Uses, Tillages, and Accidentation of Kuchis

A short of the book: Ariana Kochi - Afghanistan

Written and research by: Dr. Mohammad Halim Tanveer

Written and Researched by Dr. Mohammad Halim Tanwir

The Kochi are the main residents of Aryan and Aryan who dominated the north and south areas after the Genghis attacks in order to live and grass and areas for their residence. No carriers who have migrated from other lands to ancient Afghanistan claim to own this land. History is a witness to our claim.

If there is a word of human rights and the residence of Aryan Kochi in this land, there will be no place for other nations to say a word against the great Aryan people who migrated to the east and west of Afghanistan. The Kochi are the original Aryans of our country. The land of ancient Afghanistan is Mawa and the main place of these native Afghan people. History is witness that since thousands of years, this nation of Afghanistan has still maintained the original culture of Kochi and moving to the north and south. According to the climate and geographic conditions in the summer, the Kochi returned to their grass in the north. The Kochi have been the cause of transferring different civilians and still have the historical fate of this country.

Every Afghan person can live wherever he wants, and no fascist prejudice of oppression can take the place of the original people of Afghanistan. Cruel fascists in the last three decades using the name of democracy and freedom of speech are trying to divide ancient Afghanistan into ethnic, linguistic and even religious problems. In order to summarize the past of Aryan, I want to take this view of the minds of those who claim to ownership of government lands that Aryan Kochi know the right to dwell and live in history.

The past of the Aryans and the life of Kochi Gari in their culture.

As far as you know, Ariana land has expanded on both sides of the Hindu Kash mountain dynasty, its sequence is to the west, Spin Ghar and Hamalia. Ancient Afghanistan played a key role with more than three thousand years of agricultural civilization and property among the four cities of Babylon, Persian, China and India, and this led to other human beings in Aryan civilization among the Aryan residents of this land. The unprecedented growth including medicine, astronomy, ditty industries, creating Moscow in the exchange of property and items, buffy and metal work was one of the essential works of Aryan. The description of Afghanistan's generation kochi was that they were familiar with the most historical civilization of the world and with other trading property and property of the land between the east and west.

 As the relationship of Aryans and Kochi with the Middle Asian land was also strong. From the old life of Kochi in the old times of Afghanistan, many historical values and works have been achieved. One of the cave (Qarah Kamar) can be called a chipmun and bone equipment that returns to the old stone period after studying. People often lived in cave during stone and metal periods and had nothing to do but war and defending animals for their own survival.

According to the research of the people of the pre-history period in Sang Valley from twenty thousand years BC to nine thousand years BC, they have spent different stages of evolution in Afghanistan. In the cave (stones) of Bamyan, there are many evidence of the people's initial weapons, and the images that were cut in the cave of tall people with long nose, eyes and long black hair that are completely similar to today's kochi of Afghanistan. It has. Because at that time, the Hazara were not still the main residents of this land, and after the th century, the Genghis Army was moved to the central areas of Afghanistan and then turned to the religion of Islam.

Until the historical period (copper), which was known as metal, and the blindness of Afghanistan's industries was placed in the path of Aryan civilization, the construction of bills, metal weapons, dishes and items took place of flower equipment, and a fundamental wandering in the civil life of the Aryan and civilians. There was another one. And with the development of property and zarat, the position of men became more important and the social method in Afghanistan took place from the mother of democracy to the father of democracy. 

While the Aryan women of Kochi are still doing the most difficult and severe things under the administration of Kochi women. Afghan women are now doing most social work in the Kochi tribe. But since joint ownership took place in private ownership and men got a key role in social work, women's ways slowly belong to men. Although women played a great role in the history of Afghanistan in Zardasht, Kushanian and Buddha religion, and even until the th century of Hijri, the women played a great role in Afghanistan's history.

Investigations and inspections 1344 S / 1965 M. Louis Dupree in (Aq Kepark) and Mendigak exploration in 1330 Sh / 1951 It shows the exchange of views and communications of this civilization in three thousand years BC in (Mohanja Diro) from Balochistan. And in the exchange of their own country, Afghans did great things through the Aryans. The development of agriculture, property and vegetables of different valley in the north and south of Afghanistan and the greatness of the historical city of Balkh has been taken to the attention of the Middle Asian Bedouin tribes to Afghanistan, and the rider of Touris and Tents of Bedouin have made the civilization of Aryan people in defense of value. 

The people and their civilization felt dangerous to strengthen their government more. (Zi Dhakaya, Zahak Maran) who was one of the kings several thousand years ago and attacked Afghanistan from Mesopotamia and the government removed Afghanistan's pre-paradat (paradat) from power. A large number of Aryans have taken the way to immigration to Chenob and moved. While they never forgot their green farms and returned to the north of the Hindukash mountains and central areas in the summer. When Jamshid (King Yama) was dismissed from power. The commander of other Araayi (Fereydoun Yatri Tuna) has arranged a great army from the north and south of Hindu Kash with this force attacked the west (between the Mesopotamia) and avenge the destruction of the kingdom of Yama with the murder of Zhak.

In the first thousand, when Ninos king of Asori army to Balkh through Armenian, the dynasty of pre-government, Kiani and Sepa were able to defend the man and the courage of Aryan Kochi and in the creation of great culture and yellow civilization in the first thousand ago. From BC he made an effort. The Bible (Avista) was able to create a great religious civilization with its constituency in the first Hazara BC.

Yellow religion not only directed the spiritual issues of people and society, but also an economic religion to do things to improve the rationality of people and social life." Avista after the songs of Riguida, which represents the life of property. The semi-agriculture and Aryan system (before the spread to India and Persian) is the most important thing in the old history of Afghanistan..." (1)

Aryan Kochi has been on the way to their agricultural and property life for thousands of years in the old provinces of Afghanistan according to their weather, weather and grass. 

Afghanistan was in Usta with 16 provinces and the Kochi were residing in all these areas: 1-Balkh (Bakhdi) 2-Badakhshan (Ragha) 3-Maro (Moro) 4-Herat (Harrio) 5-Helmand (Haraviti) 6-Arghandab (Heatomont) 7-Sindh (Hindu Hepta) 8-Saghdian (Mawra Al-Nahr) 9-Capol (Kabul) 10-Kapisi (Kapisa) 11-Bamikan (Bamyan) 12-Adrabasa (north of Hindu Kash, Khavak and Andarab) 13-Dranjiana (Sistan and Kandahar) 14-Parapamisos (Indos and Nuristan) 15-Stagidia (Central areas Afghanistan (16-Jedorzia (Makran and Balochistan). These sixteen provinces of Aryan Kochi Abayi areas that are often belong to Pashtun, Baloch and Lachin nations, and the human right to live and live. All of this land is called sixteen (Arya) in Osta and the country and the old name of Afghanistan (Ariana).

(Read the continuation of this article in the book: Ariana Kochi - Afghanistan written by Dr. Tanveer)


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