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General Sarfaraz Is Missing Along With Five Other Top Pak Army Officers.

General Sarfaraz Is Missing Along With Five Other Top Pak Army Officers.

Pakistan army confirms that a helicopter carrying Quetta Corps commander Lt. General Sarfraz Ali and 5 other high ranking officers on board have gone missing in Balochistan. “Search operation continues,” ISPR said.

A Pakistan army aviation helicopter which  was on flood relief operations in Lasbela, Balochistan lost contact with ATC. 6 individuals were on board including Commander 12 Corps who was supervising flood relief operations in Balochistan. Search operation is underway.DTF

ISPR Tweeted.

All passengers details. Names Of Army Officers In Missing Pak Army Helicopter. 2 July 2022. Details

Maj Saeed (Pilot) 

Maj Talha  (Cov Pilot) 

Lt Gen Sarfraz Ali CC 12 Corps 

Brig Amjad Hanif Satti 


CC Engr 12 Corps 

Nk Mudasir  (Heli Crew) 

Who Was General Sarfaraz Ali? Career And Position In Pak Army.

Major General Sarfaraz Ali Soomro appointed last Time Corp Commander 12 Corp Queeta And Previously he worked as  Director General of Military Intelligence.

He was First from Soomro community have got such slot, he belongs Azad Kashmir Regiment.

Commander Quetta Corps Lt Gen Sarfaraz Ali has served as Inspector General Frontier Corps South Balochistan, DG Military Intelligence, Commander 111 brigade Rawalpindi & Defense Attaché Pakistan Embassy USA. 

Missing Officers Of Pakistan Army In Missing Helicopter. Breaking

‏گمشدہ ہیلی کاپٹر میں سوار افراد 

کمانڈرXII کور؛ Lt Genسرفرازعلی

PCG DG بریگیڈیر امجد حنیف ستی

CC Engrs XII کور بریگیڈیر خالد 

پائلٹ میجر سعید 

کو پائلٹ میجر طلحہ 

Crew Chief نائیک مدثر

Latest Updates About Missing Pak Army Helicopter In Lasbella Baluchistan. 

General Sarfaraz Ali Dead Body Found Along With Other Army Officers In Hub Baluchistan Area. Police Confirmed General Sarfaraz Is Dead. Search Parties Reached The Area To Collect Bodies And Details.

‏اِنّا لِلّٰهِ وَاِنّا اِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُوْن 
سرچ پارٹیز اس ایریا میں پہنچ گئی ہیں ۔
ہیلی کاپٹر کا ملبہ حب کے قریب مل گیا ہے ۔
کور کمانڈر کوئٹہ جنرل سرفراز سمیت تمام 6 لوگ شہید ہو گے ہیں
پولیس ذرائع

List of passengers who are aboard the missing #helicopter.

Lt Gen Sarfraz Ali Corps Commander Quetta

Brig Amjad Hanif Satti DG Coast Guard

Brig Khalid Commander Corps Engineer 12 Corps

Maj Saeed Pilot

Maj Talha Pilot

Nk Mudasir Crew

Meanwhile The Incident Is Top Trending On Social Media In Pakistan. 

Social Media Users Post With Hashtags Of #MayAllah And #helicopter Right Now To Show Concern and Offer Prayers.

General Sarfaraz Is Missing Along With Five Other Top Pak Army Officers.

Pakistan army confirms that a helicopter carrying Quetta Corps commander Lt. General Sarfraz Ali and 5 other high ranking officers on board have gone missing in Balochistan. “Search operation continues,” ISPR said.
General Sarfaraz Is Missing Along With Five Other Top Pak Army Officers.

Pakistan army confirms that a helicopter carrying Quetta Corps commander Lt. General Sarfraz Ali and 5 other high ranking officers on board have gone missing in Balochistan. “Search operation continues,” ISPR said.

Latest Pictures Of Lt. General Sarfaraz Ali Who Died In Helicopter Crash In Hubb Lasbella Baluchistan

Latest Pictures Of Lt. General Sarfaraz Ali Who Died In Helicopter Crash In Hubb Lasbela Baluchistan
Latest Pictures Of Lt. General Sarfaraz Ali Who Died In Helicopter Crash In Hubb Lasbela Baluchistan

Latest Pictures Of Lt. General Sarfaraz Ali Who Died In Helicopter Crash In Hubb Lasbela Baluchistan.

Latest Pictures Of Lt. General Sarfaraz Ali Who Died In Helicopter Crash In Hubb Lasbela Baluchistan
Latest Pictures Of Lt. General Sarfaraz Ali Who Died In Helicopter Crash In Hubb Lasbela Baluchistan

Latest Pictures Of Lt. General Sarfaraz Ali Who Died In Helicopter Crash In Hubb Lasbela Baluchistan

Latest Pictures Of Lt. General Sarfaraz Ali Who Died In Helicopter Crash In Hubb Lasbela Baluchistan

Latest Pictures Of Lt. General Sarfaraz Ali Who Died In Helicopter Crash In Hubb Lasbela Baluchistan

Latest Pictures Of Lt. General Sarfaraz Ali Who Died In Helicopter Crash In Hubb Lasbela Baluchistan

Latest Pictures Of Lt. General Sarfaraz Ali Who Died In Helicopter Crash In Hubb Lasbela Baluchistan
Latest Pictures Of Lt. General Sarfaraz Ali Who Died In Helicopter Crash In Hubb Lasbela Baluchistan

Latest Pictures Of Lt. General Sarfaraz Ali Who Died In Helicopter Crash In Hubb Lasbela Baluchistan

General Sarfaraz Is Missing Along With Five Other Top Pak Army Officers.

Pakistan army confirms that a helicopter carrying Quetta Corps commander Lt. General Sarfraz Ali and 5 other high ranking officers on board have gone missing in Balochistan. “Search operation continues,” ISPR said.
General Sarfaraz Is Missing Along With Five Other Top Pak Army Officers.

Pakistan army confirms that a helicopter carrying Quetta Corps commander Lt. General Sarfraz Ali and 5 other high ranking officers on board have gone missing in Balochistan. “Search operation continues,” ISPR said.


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