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Why Panadol Tabs Are Short In Pakistani Medicine Market. GSK

 Why Panadol Tabs Are Short In Pakistani Medicine Market. GSK 

GSK Panadol Tab Price and Some facts:

-Panadol is short in whole Pak, not only in Lhr.

-GSK stopped production of Panadol a month ago.

-DRAP approved per tablet at RS 2.67. Federal cabinet rejected the summary, asked them to sell at RS 1.35

-GSK claims can’t sell panadol at loss.

-Punjab govt has nothing to do with shortage, DRAP has. 

-GSK produced 45 crore paracetamol tablets monthly as 90% consumers in Pak only use Panadol.

-Local Panadol tablets available now are fake. Panadol extend is imported and original.

GSK is not only a brand but getting raw material ( Paracetamol) from a very good source. They maintain quality and don’t compromise on it. 

I would recommend you to only buy good company medicine because their suppliers are big and quality conscious.

Panadol is short in the market. Shortage to persist. Counterfeit product is spreading. Genuine product is selling in black at 2-3 times the MRP.  

Reason - Production is reduced to bare minimum. 

Why - Cost of production is higher than regulated selling price. 

Govt regulates drugs prices; and in case of Panadol at current cost gross margins are deep in red. Its a crisis. Panadol is 1.75% of pharma sales and by the far the biggest selling brand in the country. It is the only recommended drug in Dengue & have widespread use.

GSK normal production is 450 mn tablets a month.

Current cost per tablet is at Rs2.31. 

MRP is Rs1.7. 

There is 15% mandatory pharmacy margin. Add disotrubiton cost. 

The producer nets at Rs1.35. 

Hence stopped production.    

The issue didn't 1come out of thin air. There is regulatory process of price fixation that goes up to Cabinet. It was about to put up in Feb22. And was to be approved. Then came VONC. New cabinet rejected the increase. Company responded by shutting down.

The government must look at the matter. One cannot blame pharma company which is 'for profit'. The issue is a broad-based industry wise. Many MNCs have left the country. Industry wise production standards are going down. 

Slowly and gradually local production to go down and reliance on imports to grow. Pharmacy and distributors have healthy margins ( and don't pay full taxes). Manufacturer is at a loss. 


‏‎‎اگر حکومت فی ٹیبلیٹ 2.67 کی بیچنے کی اجازت دیتی تو پیناڈول کا پیک 534 روپے کا سیل ہوتا جو اس وقت مارکیٹ میں بلیک میں 700 سے 1500 روپے کا بک رہا اور زبردست شارٹج بھی چل رہی، بلیک میں پڑا مال ختم ہونے کو ہے کیونکہ یہ سب زیادہ استعمال ہونے والی دوائی ہے۔


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