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Who was Latif Afridi? Lateef Afridi Killed In Peshawar Today.

 Who was Latif Afridi? Lateef Afridi Killed In Peshawar Today.

Pakistan's renowned lawyer and former president of the Supreme Court Bar Association, Latif Afridi, has been shot dead in Peshawar.

 According to local media, the attacker targeted him in the Peshawar High Court Bar building.

 According to police officials, the attacker has been arrested from the scene.

 After the attack, Latif Afridi was shifted to a local hospital, but he died on the way.

 According to Mohammad Asim, spokesperson of Lady Reading Hospital, Latif Afridi was brought to the hospital in dead condition.

 According to the spokesperson, his dead body has been sent to his native village by ambulance.

 It should be noted that in the year 2020, Supreme Court Bar Association of Pakistan elected Advocate Abdul Latif Afridi as its President.  He was the candidate of the Asma Jahangir group, but being a tall figure, he also had the support of the lawyers of the opposition party.

 Latif Afridi, the former president of the Supreme Court Bar Association, was among those people who went to jail every time martial law was imposed in the country after the 70s and then every time there were opposition movements in the country.

 His voice and domineering style were from his student days.  He was expelled from the university for supporting Ms. Fatima Jinnah in the elections.

 During the tenure of the first military president Ayub Khan, he was detained as a student leader.  As a political activist, he has gone to jail five times during the reign of former dictator Zia-ul-Haq.

 Then in the year 2007, he strongly opposed the emergency imposed by Pervez Musharraf in the country.

 He did not go to jail then, but on October 6, 2007, when he was peacefully protesting at the gate of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly, he was run over by an armored vehicle, due to which one of his legs was broken.

 Since then he used to appear in the courts with the help of a cane

 Political journey of Latif Afridi

 After graduating in 1968, Latif Afridi joined the legal profession.  After practicing as an advocate in the High Court for three decades, he became an advocate of the Supreme Court in 2006.

 He has been the President of Peshawar High Court Bar Association six times.  He has also been the Vice President of Pakistan Bar Council and member of Human Rights Commission of Pakistan.

 Advocate Latif Afridi, who hails from Tirah Valley of the erstwhile tribal area of ​​Khyber District, was politically associated with the Awami National Party (ANP).

 In 1979, Ghos Bakhsh joined Bizenjo's Pakistan National Party, then this party merged with Awami National Party.  Latif Afridi was also elected Member of National Assembly.

 For some time he was also associated with National Awami Party Ajmal Khattak but later became a part of ANP.

 Abdul Latif Afridi fought the cases of thousands of workers, political activists and citizens without any fee.

 Along with pursuing human rights petitions in the country's highest courts, Latif Afridi has been pursuing most of the cases filed against the Pashtun Protection Movement in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

 The newly elected president of the Supreme Court Bar Association has also been pursuing petitions against the detention centers run by the army in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province..

لطیف لالا چلے گئے۔ 

لطیف لالا مزاحمتی سیاست اور انسانی حقوق کی نمائندہ آوازوں میں سے تھے۔ جنرل ایوب کی مقابل امیدوار فاطمہ جناح کا ساتھ دینے پر انہیں دوسری بار جیل ہوئی۔ ضیا کا تقریبا پورا دور ہی انہوں نے جیلوں میں گزارا۔ 

جنرل مشرف کے دور میں وہ انسانی حقوق کی آواز بن کر پشاور اور اسلام آباد کی سڑکوں، ایوانوں اور حجروں میں گرجتے برستے رہے۔  

خڑ کمر واقعے کے بعد محسن داوڑ اور علی وزیر کو جیل ہوئی تو تقریبا ہر زبان خشک تھی اور ہر قلم سہما ہوا تھا۔ لطیف لالا نے ریاست کی پروپیگنڈا مشینوں کی پرواہ کیے بغیر ان پر امن سیاسی کارکنوں کا مقدمہ لڑا اور سر خرو ہوئے۔ 

مقدمات اور جیلوں کا سامنا کرنے والے جن پسے ہوئے طبقات کا کوئی نہیں ہوتا تھا، ان کا لطیف لالا ہوتا تھا۔ 

سال 2020 میں وہ سپریم کورٹ بار ایسو ایشن کے انتخابات میں عاصمہ جہانگیر گروپ کے نمائندے بن کر سامنے آئے۔ مشکل حالات تھے، مگر مخالف دھڑے کو انہوں نے شکست دیدی۔ ان کی فتح کو آئین، جمہوریت اور انسانی حقوق کے فلسفے پر یقین رکھنے والے تمام حلقوں نے اپنی جیت سے تعبیر کیا۔  

 جنرل مشرف  نے آئین معطل کرکے ایمرجنسی نافذ کی تو وہ سب سے پہلے گھر سے نکلے۔ صوبائی اسمبلی کے بالکل پاس ہی ایک بکتر بند گاڑی ان کو بے دردی سے روندتی ہوئی نکل گئی۔ ان کی ایک ٹانگ ٹوٹ گئی۔ اب جو ان کے ہاتھ میں ہر دم ایک لاٹھی نظر آتی تھی، وہ ان کی مزاحمت کی گواہی تھی۔ 

یہ لاٹھی لالا کا سہارا تھی اور لالا  مظلوموں کا سہارا تھے۔ آج بھی وہ کورٹ میں کسی کا سہارا بن کر کھڑے تھے کہ حملہ ہوا۔سہارا نہیں رہا۔ لطیف لالا چلے گئے۔   

دونوں جہاں تیری محبت میں ہار کے 

وہ  جارہا ہے کوئی شبِ غم گزار کے

فرنود عالم


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