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Bajaur Blasts In JUIF Jalsla. Amrullah Saleh Blamed Taliban And ISI in A Tweet.

Bajaur Blasts In JUIF Jalsla. Amrullah Saleh Blamed Taliban And ISI in A Tweet.

On several occasions during my time as Director General of the NDS I had to share folders containing actionable intelligence on terrorist compounds & bomb making workshops run by Tajmir, the current deputy chief of Talib's GDI in sub-urban sites within Pakistan with the ISI General Directors i.e. Gen Keyani & later on  Gen. Shuja Pasha. 

This was part of the US/NATO mediated effort to convince or enable Pakistan to act. They naively or mis-calculatedly believed that Pakistan would act. They thought the ISI would act against its own “virulent arm” the Haqqani terrorist group as labeled by US Admiral Mike Mullen. 

The US authorities  knew by heart that the Afghan government was right that the Pakistan army was a culprit & perpetuator of terrorism not a recipient of its harm. Yet our fact-based analysis would be bypassed or skipped. Each time we would locate Tajmir & tell the ISI to act all that would happen subsequently was for Tajmir to change his location and contact numbers based on tips from the ISI headquarters.

 My detailed & nuanced commentary on this matter was published by PBS in " The Spy Who Quit". series 2011.  Assisted by the ISI, Tajmir was running a network of terrorists responsible for most of the deadly & mass casualty attacks in Kabul Capital Region. I never fully understood what gave the Pakistani establishment the confidence that terrorists would only hurt Afghans or others inside Afghanistan. Did they believe that their bombs & terrorists were genetically modified or what?

 Today as I heard the mass causality bombing in Bajur what immediately came to my mind was names Keyani, Pasha, Tajmir, Faiz Hameed,  Mulana Fazul Rehman of the JUI, scores of others & all the celebrations these people had for massacring of the Afghan people.  

The current defense minister of Pakistan Khaja Asif openly congratulated the Taliban victory which literallly means massacre of the Afghan people and subjugating them to tyranny & barbarism. Actually, the Pakistani army and the ISI plus madrasa systems that trained the Taliban & celebrated the return of barbarity to Afghanistan ARE IN NO MORAL POSITION to condemn these terrorist attacks. 

It is their own Frankenstein Monster. It was just yesterday that the so-called Consul General of the Taliban in Peshawar openly thanked the Pakistan army and the  ISI for sponsorship of Taliban. I can guess the type of comments the ISI sponsored trolls will drop here. Truth is bitter. Very dear Pakistani people If you want to be believed, then you have to swallow the truth and confess to the  wrongdoing of your estalibshment & force them repent for the crimes they have committed and still commit against the Afghan people.

 What happened in Bajur is a terrorist attack. You want to know how these attacks happen then you have to assign a non-ISI, non-army commission to investigate the Frankenstein Monsters created over the years & even decades.  Then make that report public and stop the wrong policies. Else your narrative won't be believed.

Bajaur Blast Today on 30 July.

Bajaur Blast

Bajaur Dhamka

Dhamka In Bajur

Bajawar Dhamaka. 

Bajaur News Today. 

Where Is Bajaur? 

What Happened In Bajaur.?

Bajaur Blasts. 

Bomb blast In Bajaur. Bajaur blast News Today. 

Total Deaths In Bajaur Blast Yesterday. 

Video Of Bajaur Blasts In JUIF Jalsa.

Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (F) - Political party

Bajaur dhamka News. 

Bajaur Explosion today.

Bajaur Locations. 

Bajaur Blasts Today.

Bajaur Attack

Blast In Bajaur

Bajaur Dhamakh Yesterday

Bajaur Blasts In JUIF Jalsla. Amrullah Saleh Blamed Taliban And ISI in A Tweet. Bajaur Death Toll. Death Toll In Bajuar Blast On 30 July 2023. JUI F Leaders Killed In Bajaur Blasts. Pashto Times News


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