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The Reality Of Cypher or Cipher Story By Intercept Exposed and Replied.

 The Reality Of Cypher Or Cipher Story By Intercept Exposed and Replied.

"I had a luncheon meeting today with Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, Donald Lu. He was accompanied by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Les Viguerie. DCM, DA and Counsellor Qasim were with me. At the start, Don addressed the prevailing political situation in Pakistan, specifically regarding the Prime Minister. He remarked, “There’s a widespread belief in Washington that Prime Minister Imran Khan’s leadership is pivotal for the region, especially considering the ties he has fostered with the U.S.”

Don leaned in, saying, “The current momentum in Islamabad around the vote of no confidence worries many of us. Prime Minister Khan has been an asset to our relations, a bridge in many ways. A disruption of his leadership could result in unforeseen challenges for both our nations.” I inquired if this was the U.S.'s way of intervening in Pakistan's internal affairs. Don responded that while the U.S. respects Pakistan’s sovereignty, "there is a genuine concern about the broader geopolitical consequences."

He continued, “In Washington, there's a consensus that Imran Khan’s leadership offers a fresh perspective, and his close alignment with the U.S. is seen as essential for stability in the region.” Responding, I emphasized that Pakistan will always act in its best interest, but it's critical to separate internal politics from international relationships.

Picking up on this, Don said, “It’s essential to understand that from our viewpoint, ensuring Prime Minister Khan remains in power is of utmost priority. His connections and vision align with U.S. interests in the region.” I asked if the U.S. was implying that Khan was more of an asset to them than to Pakistan. Don swiftly clarified, “No, that's not the sentiment. We believe Khan's leadership benefits both nations equally.”

I conveyed that while we appreciate the U.S.'s perspective, the democratic processes within Pakistan should not be influenced by external parties. Don acknowledged this, “We respect Pakistan’s internal processes. I just wanted to communicate the value we place on Prime Minister Khan’s leadership.”

We further discussed various aspects of bilateral relations and regional stability. Don concluded, “Our wish is to see a stable and prosperous Pakistan, with whom we can continue building stronger ties. And from our end, Prime Minister Khan is integral to this vision.”

Closing the meeting, I affirmed that I'd communicate the U.S.'s sentiments to relevant authorities. However, Pakistan's internal processes would remain its own domain. As I left, I pondered the weight of international interests in our internal matters, wondering how best to balance national interests with global partnerships."

situation in Pakistan, specifically regarding the Prime Minister. He remarked, “There’s a widespread belief in Washington that Prime Minister Imran Khan’s leadership is pivotal for the region, especially considering the ties he has fostered with the U.S.”

Don leaned in, saying, “The current momentum in Islamabad around the vote of no confidence worries many of us. Prime Minister Khan has been an asset to our relations, a bridge in many ways. A disruption of his leadership could result in unforeseen challenges for both our nations.” I inquired if this was the U.S.'s way of intervening in Pakistan's internal affairs. Don responded that while the U.S. respects Pakistan’s sovereignty, "there is a genuine concern about the broader geopolitical consequences."

He continued, “In Washington, there's a consensus that Imran Khan’s leadership offers a fresh perspective, and his close alignment with the U.S. is seen as essential for stability in the region.” Responding, I emphasized that Pakistan will always act in its best interest, but it's critical to separate internal politics from international relationships.

Picking up on this, Don said, “It’s essential to understand that from our viewpoint, ensuring Prime.

By Farhan Virk, Ex Head Of PTI Social Media Wing. Rebuttle 

جس طرح کا سائفر عادل راجہ نے فوجی بن کر 

The Intercept

 کو بھیجا ہے۔ 

ایسا ایک سائفر میں بھی لکھ رہا ہوں۔ آپ بھی فوجی بن کر اس اخبار کو بھیج دیں۔ بولیں اسکی بھی کسی معتبر ذرائع سے تصدیق نہیں ہوسکی لیکن آپ اس پر کہانی چھاپ دو۔

The Intercept Story On Cipher Exposed. 

Rana Sanaullah PML N Tweets about Cypher Documents Leaked By Intercept.

Though there is nothing new in this story, the investigation needs to held to establish the authenticity of the information or source document. Potentially, it is a very sinister, treacherous, and seditious act.

It should not be forgotten that Imran Khan Niazi had a copy of the cypher, which he has not returned and has accepted (on record) that he misplaced or lost it. If proven guilty, Khan should be tried under the Official Secret Act.


The Intercept Story Of Cypher Gate. Cipher Gate Story By The Intercept. 

Cypher Imran Khan By Intercept.

Who Leaked Cypher To The Intercept?

Military Leaks Cipher About Imran Khan Govt. 

Reality Of US Cypher By The Intercept. 

Cypher Meaning In Urdu. 

What Is Cypher In Urdu? Cypher In Pakistan. What Is Cypher In Pakistan?

Cypher Gate In Pakistan. 


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