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Khai Drama Of Geo Har Pal and Khae In Pashtun Tribes. FB Post

Khai Drama Of Geo Har Pal and Khae In Pashtun Tribes. FB Post. Hamza Gull

 "خئی ڈرامہ اور پشتون قوم "  

Khai Drama Aur Pashtun Qoom. Khai Ya khae Ki Rasam Aur Pashtun Pathans.

خئ جیسی وحشی رسم پختونخوا سے لیکر افغانستان تک کہیں نہیں پائی جاتی ابھی تو اس ڈرامے میں متعصب لکھاری نےپشتون قوم کو حسب معمول وحشی قوم دکھانےکی ناکام کوشش کی ہے-

 اسطرح کے پشتون قوم کے خلاف نفرت انگیز ڈراموں کا مکمل بائیکاٹ کیا جائے ۔ ہم سب کو چاہیے کہ ہم سوشل میڈیا اور ہر پلیٹ فارم پر اس کے خلاف آواز اٹھائیں -

"خئی" لفظ کا مطلب ؟ 

خئی پشتو زبان کا لفظ ہے جب کسی گھر کے سارے مرد قتل کر دیئے جائیں اس سے خیئی کہا جاتا ہے اس سے وزیریستان میں خیئی کہا جاتا ہے اور اس کے علاوہ پشتونخوا کے بہت سے علاقوں کے ساتھ ساتھ افغانستان کے خوست پکتیا اور بھی بہت سے علاقوں میں خیئی ہی کہا جاتا ہے اور بہت سے پشتون علاقوں میں اس سے میرات اور کچھ افریدی پشتونوں کے ہاں اس سے سٹا بھی کہا جاتا ہے.

 پشتون زبان کسی بھی قبیلے کی ہو اک ہی زبان ہے البتہ اس کے کہیں سارے لہجے ہیں زبان اک ہی ہیں

Khai Drama Of Geo News. Criticism, Reality Check & A Pashtun Prospect. 


Khaie drama

Khae Har Pal Geo

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Revenge saga drama

Darwesh Khan

Duraab Khan

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Khaie director's vision

Khaie writer's inspiration

Search Questions and Queries:

What is the story of Khaie drama?

Who are the main actors in Khaie?

When does Khaie air on Har Pal Geo?

Where can I watch Khaie online?

What are the reviews for Khaie drama?

Is Khaie based on a true story?

What are the themes explored in Khaie?

What is the significance of the title "Khaie"?

Who is the director of Khaie?

Who wrote the script for Khaie?

What is the music/soundtrack of Khaie?

Has Khaie won any awards?

How does Khaie compare to other Pakistani dramas?

What are some of the best moments in Khaie?

What are the most emotional scenes in Khaie?

What are the cliffhangers in Khaie?

Has Khaie generated any controversies?

Are there any behind-the-scenes videos for Khaie?

Where can I find interviews with the actors of Khaie?

What was the director's vision for Khaie?

What inspired the writer to create Khaie?

What is the age rating for Khaie?

Is Khaie suitable for family viewing?

Where can I find subtitles for Khaie?

Is Khaie available in other languages?

What are the social media reactions to Khaie?

Do fans have any theories about the plot of Khaie?

What are some predictions for the ending of Khaie?

How is Khaie received internationally?

What are the cultural references in Khaie?

What social issues does Khaie address?

How does Khaie portray revenge?

Is Khaie a feminist drama?

What are the ethical dilemmas presented in Khaie?

How does Khaie depict family dynamics?

What are the challenges faced by the characters in Khaie?

How does Khaie showcase Pakistani culture?

What are the traditional elements portrayed in Khaie?

What is the significance of music in Khaie?

How does the music contribute to the storytelling in Khaie?

What are the underlying messages of Khaie?

What lessons can viewers learn from Khaie?

What are the different interpretations of Khaie?

Does Khaie spark any social conversations?

How does Khaie compare to other revenge dramas?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of Khaie?

Khai Drama Of Geo Har Pal and Khae In Pashtun Tribes. FB Post.


Khai Drama Aur Pashtun Qoom. Khai Ya khae Ki Rasam Aur Pashtun Pathans.


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