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Agartala Plot By Shaikh Mujub Ur Rahman, Father Of Haseena Wajid

Agartala Plot By Shaikh Mujub Ur Rahman,  Father Of Haseena Wajid

Of all the places in the world, Sheikh Hasina landed in Agartala after her father’s legacy was burnt to ashes. The same Agartala where Mujib colluded with India to break Pakistan.

In 2011, deputy speaker Shawkat Ali who was part of the meeting at Agartala in 1968, told the BD parliament that the charges brought against Mujib were not false.

 “The charges against us read out on the first day of hearing in the case were absolutely right. We formed a Sangram Parishad led by Bangabandhu to free East Pakistan through armed protest," he said.

Regarding communication with India:

Colonel (Retd.) Shaukat Ali (Accused No. 26 in the Agartala case said in an interview conducted on March 10, 2007:

“Bangabandhu communicated with India through his own plans and sources. It was the first incident of Ayub Khan's military rule. Bangabandhu himself told us that he went to Agartala and from there to Lahore through India. His visit to Agartala or India is not connected with the Agartala case under discussion. However, two people (Ali Reza and Steward Mujib) from our revolutionary organization went to Agartala to talk to the Indian officials about the procurement of arms. Bangabandhu was in jail then. The issues have also come up in the charge sheet of the Agartala case. However, by reviewing the events of the later period, it can be seen that India must have had a connection with Bangabandhu, so that India came to our aid at the time of need.

- Muhammad Shamsul Haque / Armed preparation for independence: Unpublished statement in Agartala case. [Balaka Publications - February, 2012. Pp: 51-54 / 65/94/137]

Going to India with Bangabandhu:

Abul Hassan (a hostile witness in the Agartala case. The interview was conducted on January 4, 2009) said:

“I went to India with Bangabandhu two to three times between 1962 and 1964 through Belonia border. Once Steward Mujib was with us too. There Bangabandhu spoke to some of them (Indians) at one place but I don't know what they talked about. I was just going and coming with him as a companion. Once I saw some Indians were training some people. But I did not know their identity”

As narrated by Manoj Basu (1901–1987), a Bengali writer from India, Sheikh Mujib told him in Beijing in 1956 that he would eventually liberate East Pakistan.

Mahfuzul Bari, the 22nd accused in the historic ‘Agartala Conspiracy Case' and a close associate of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman described the same in his book, “Agartala case: in the eyes of an accused”:

“…during my stay in India in the end of 1975, I met Manoj Basu, the famous writer of West Bengal, Rajbari's Najibar and student leader Reza. I saw Manoj Basu very closely. In 1956, he got close to Bangabandhu in Peking, China, by virtue of staying in the same hotel and in the room next to him. About Bangabandhu Manoj Basu cried in front of us that day. Reminiscing, he said, Bangabandhu told him at that time, “I will make Bangladesh independent. It is my dream. And I will be the Mao Zedong of Bengal. I want political help from you. I will not need financial help.”


During Bangabandhu's first state visit to Calcutta in 1972, Bangabandhu reminded Manoj Basu at Latbhaban in West Bengal and said, 'Dada, in 1956 I said, I will make the country independent. I proved the truth. I want your help to bring smiles to the faces of the people of the country.”

— Mahfuzul Bari / Agartala case: in the eyes of an accused. [ Suvarna - February, 2013. p: 143]

Muhammad Shamsul Haque in his book,  “Armed preparation for independence: Unpublished statement in Agartala case” stated:

“Manik Chowdhury's (accused no. 12 in the Agartala case. Full name Bhupatibhushan Chowdhury) son Dipankar Chowdhury and associate Bidhan Sen revealed that from the early 1960s to the second half of the decade Manik Chowdhury, MA Aziz and Bangabandhu jointly managed the ‘New Agency' in the Asadganj area of Khatunganj which was a clearing forwarding and indenting business. Manik Chowdhury was in charge of looking after it. The lion's share of the income of the organization was spent on the organizational work of the Awami League. A part goes secretly to those involved in the preparatory work of the armed movement. According to Bidhan Sen, Bangabandhu probably first told Manik Chowdhury among the Awami League leaders of Chittagong about the secret plan of armed preparations for independence. And Bidhan Sen's acquaintance and closeness with Bangabandhu was also created through Manik Chowdhury. Several other accused in the Agartala case told this writer about Manik Chowdhury's involvement in the secret revolutionary movement and getting money for the organization through him. Sabita Chowdhury and her son Dipankar Chowdhury said that they have learned that Manik Chowdhury was with Bangabandhu several times during the Mujib-Bhutto discussion in March 1971. Tajuddin Ahmad called him to Dhaka on the phone. Manik Chowdhury played an active role in communication with India during the War of Independence and in the organization of the Liberation War.


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