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Lansdowne Bridge

Lansdowne Bridge  A Marvel of ninetieth century engineering, the longest rigid girder bridge in the world at that time, was begun in 1887.The Indus ValleyState Railway had reached Sukkur in 1879 and the steam ferry which transported eight wagons at a time across the Indus was found to be cumbersome and time consuming. Designed by Sir Alexander Rendel, the girder work weighing a massive 3,300 tons was erected by F.E. Robertson, and Hecquet. The ferry link between Rohri and Sukkurbecame redundant when Lord Reay Governor of Bombay. Deputizing for Lord Lansdowne, the viceroy, inaugurated the Bridgeon 25 March 1889. As summer comes early to Sukkur and the wearing of heavy European- Style Uniformswould have been uncomfortable , the opening ceremony took place early in the morning . After Lord Reayhad unlocked a highly ornamental padlock (the design of J.L. Kipping, CIE, Principal of the Mayo School of Art in Lohore and father of Joseph Rudyard, the famous poet and author). Which had held shu...

Panjab text book board and Malala Yousafzai

Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board confiscated the social studies book for grade 7 published by the Oxford University Press for printing the picture of Malala in the list of important personalities of the country. Pictures of some important personalities had been published on page 33 of the book that included Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Allama Iqbal, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Liaqat Ali Khan, Abdul Sattar Edhi, Begum Raana Liaquat Ali Khan, Maj Aziz Bhatti Shaheed and Malala Yousufzai. The act is completely understandable looking at “the history of the history” in the country. Why would we want to corrupt our young minds with stories of brave girl like Malala standing up for their rights? We can’t afford a talking girl. We can only afford silent girl who can conform to everything the male says. Why would we tell our kids about a Pashtun girl who is known in the whole world as a sign of resistance to the terrorists and terrorism? Why would we tell our kids about Pashtun girl who is known as a sy...

Pashtuns in kpk. History

صوبہ خیبر پختونخوا میں پشتون قبائل نے کب فتح اور کیسے ھوئی؟ 01- گیارھویں صدی عیسوی میں کارلنری ڈویژن سے تعلق رکھنے والے افغانوں کے "دلزاک" قبیلہ نے مشرقی افغانستان سے نقل مکانی کی اور خیبر پاس کو عبور کرکے پشاور کے میدانی علاقوں میں آباد ھوگیا۔ انہوں نے جو گاؤں بنائے وہ کم تھے۔ اس علاقے میں بہت کم کاشت کاری ھوتی تھی اور زیادہ تر لوگ جانوروں کو پالتے تھے۔ اس علاقے کے لوگ پرامن تھے اور ابھی تک مسلمان نہیں ھوئے تھے۔ انہوں نے "دلزاک" قبیلہ کی آمد پر کسی بھی طرح کی لڑائی یا خون خرابہ نہیں کیا تھا۔ بلکہ انہیں اپنے کام کاج میں شامل کرلیا تھا۔ کچھ ھی وقت میں سرداروں کے کچھ خاندانوں کے درمیان شادیاں ھونے کے بعد اصل باشندے اور "دلزاک" قبیلہ کے افراد آپس میں گھل مل گئے۔ کیونکہ اس علاقے کے اصل باشندوں نے دین اسلام قبول کرلیا تھا۔ اس علاقے کے اصل باشندوں کے ساتھ شادیوں اور نئے رسم و رواج اختیار کرنے کی وجہ سے "دلزاک" قبیلہ کے افراد اپنی باقی قوم سے الگ ھوگئے۔ اپنے قائد ملک یحییٰ خان کی سربراھی میں "دلزاک" قبیلہ کے افراد نے بڑی تعداد میں محمود غزنو...

Pashtun tribes

پختون قوم کی شاخیں ان میں سے آپ کا تعلق کس شاخ سے ہے (میرا طعلق تو اتمان خیل سے ھے۔۔۔۔) (1)صافی (2) مشوانی (3) روغانی (4) کاٹنے (5) سلطان خیل(6 ) سلیمان خیل ( 7 ) سواتی ( 8 )پائندہ خیل ( 9 )بادیزئی ( 10 ) ستوریانی ( 11 ) میاخیل ( 12 )وزیر ( 13 ) محسود ( 14 ) گنڈہ پور ( 15 ) مروت ( 16 ) بنوسی ( 17 ) اورکزی ( 18 ) داودزی ( 19 )بنگش ( 20 ) یوسفزی ( 21 ) خٹک 22 )مہمند( 23 )داوڑ ( 25 ) آدم خیل( 26 ) مغل خیل ( 27 ) شنواری ( 28 ) آفریدی ( 29 ) جیلو خیل ( 30 )علی زی ( 31 ) رود باری( 32 ) مسوزی ( 33 ) بیٹنی ( 34 ) بونیری ( 35 ) باجوڑی ( 36 ) علی شیرزی ( 37 )مقبل ( 38 ) اوتمنزی ( 39 ) سیدان ( 40 ) غبیزی ( 41 ) احمدزی (42 ) اور مڑ ( 43 ) اوسمانزی ( 44 )امبر خیل ( 45 ) گدیانی ( 46 ) خوازی خیل ( 47 ) کوکی خیل ( 48 ) مندر خیل ( 49 ) اوتیزی ( 50 )بارکیخیل ( 51 ) ترین ( 52 ) ناصر ( 53 ) خوستی ( 54 ) ملاگوری ( 55 ) ( 56 ) بڑیچ ( 57 ) نورزی ( 58 ) امر خیل ( 59 ) جلال زی ( 60 )اختیار خیل ( 61 ) دولت خیل ( 62 ) دینار خیل ( 63 )ادین خیل ( 64 ) ابراھیم خیل ( 65 ) طوطا خیل ( 66 )اتمان خیل ( 67 ) بختیار...

Pukhtunwali. Detailed urdu article

یہ ایک تاریخی حقیقت ہے کہ پانچ ہزار سالہ پرانی تاریخ کی حامل پختون قوم نے تاریخ کے مختلف ادوار میں جغرافیے کی تقسیم درتقسیم حد بندیوں کے باوجود ثقافتی طرز پر ایک قوم ہونے کا ثبوت دیا ہے۔ دریائے آمو اور دریائے سندھ (اباسین) کے درمیان رہتے ہوئے پختونوں کے مختلف قبائل، مختلف رسم ورواج اور روایات کے باوجود ایک ہی قومی دھارے اور ثقافتی تہذیبی دائرے میں اپنی اپنی مخصوص قبائلی شناخت کے ساتھ رہتے چلے آرہے ہیں، اور اس دھارے اور دائرے کو ’’پختون ولی‘‘ کہا جاتا ہے، جس میں ان کی تاریخ، تہذیب، ثقافت، قانون، آئین اور قومیت کی اصل روح اور مادی قوت پنہاں ہے۔ پختون ثقافت اسی ضابطۂ اخلاق (code of life) کا عملی اظہار ہے، اور ان کی زبان پشتو اس کے ابلاغ، پھیلاؤ اور ترقی وترویج میں بنیادی کردار کا سب سے اہم حوالہ ہے۔ یہی وجہ ہے کہ پشتو نہ صرف اظہار وبیان کا ذریعہ اور وسیلہ ہے بلکہ پوری سماجی، نفسیاتی، ثقافتی زندگی، ضابطہ اخلاق اور تہذیبی تاریخ کو بھی ’’پختو‘‘ کہا جاتا ہے جو اسے دنیا کی دیگر زبانوں سے ممتاز کرتی ہے کیوں کہ پشتو زبان بھی ہے اور سماجی وثقافتی اعتبار سے ایک ضابطہ اخلاق اور قانون بھی ہے، ج...

Ali wazir VS General Bajwa. Amaar ali jan

It is disturbing to hear that COAS told parliamentarians he would release Ali Wazir if the MNA apologized. How is it that a General can decide who gets arrested and who gets released? What is the value of courts and parliament in a country where one institution can break laws and control legal decisions at their whims? Are we living under a state or are we dealing with gangsters? Moreover, the honourable General also said he will not "tolerate" criticism on the army. Who is he to tolerate or not tolerate criticisms against his institution? Can you imagine a teacher saying "I will not tolerate criticism on education system" or a doctor saying "I wont allow criticism on health system". And what if teachers and doctors start threatening and abducting citizens who criticize their performance? Would we accept that? How is that you can directly or indirectly control a country, determine its foreign and security policy, become the largest corporate entity, influe...

The old man and the sea

The old man and the sea Author: Hemingway ( He is one of the most promising classic novelists. His novels and short stories, presents human life as a never-ending struggle Genre: Fictional story Summary:The old man and the sea is considered a classic and the foremost work of Ernest Hemingway. It's story of struggle, of an old man Santiago between his determination and misfortunes. It is epic struggle of an old man within the sea when he catches a huge marlin. When Santiago hooks the marlin, he is spin out to sea for 3 days. His youthful disciple Manolin isn't with him this time, because he is constrained by his parents to lift off the old man. In spite of the fact, the boy proceeds to come to his cottage and care the old man Santiago. When he kill the marlin with harpoon thrust, and on the way back to home, sharks attack on the fish and start eating, again the struggle of Santiago starts. The another morning, fishermen swarm around the skeletal carcass. The boy, Manolin has tea...

A Greek City in North east of Afghanistan

#تاريخي_يادښتونه📖 آی خانم؛ د افغانستان یو لرغونی ښار/د يونانيانو يادګار ښار: A Greek city in north-east Afghanistan کله چي ستر سکندر له ميلاده ۳۳۰ کاله د مخه افغانستان پخپله امپراتوري راوست، دې وخت کي د #سکندر يوناني امپراتورۍ د یونان له خلیج څخه تر هیمالیا پوري مساحت لاره او پکښي ۱۰۰۰ستر ښارونه وه چي پکښي مشهور ئې [ای خانم ښار] وو چي د اوسني افغانستان په شمال کي د تخار د امو او کوکچې سیندونه سره یو ځای کیږي موقیعت لري، دا ښار د شمال ختیځو سیمو د ساتني په موخه جوړسوی چي پکښي پراخو استحکاماتو، ساختمانونو، عامه او نظامي کلاوو لرونکی د نړی ستر ښار وو، په يو نيم کلوميټر کي جوړ دې ښار شاوخوا خټينه ساتونکې کلا هم لرله چي ويل کېږي پر ټولو دېوالونو ئې پر مصري کاغذونو فلسفي جملې ليکل سوی وې. د هغه مهال د سکندر جنګي کلاوي او ښارونه داسي ځای ودانول اړخونو ته به ئې رودونه/غرونه او يا بل طبعي ساتنه لرله، دغه ښار له همدې امله دلته ودان سو. په ۱۲۶ قبل مسیح کي د چین یو سیلاني او تاریخپوه ځنګ کیان د باختر سیل کړی او وايي: "ددې ښار د ساکانو سیمي تر ټولو شتمني او خوشاله وې.." د ياد ښار بنسټګر...

Sahibzada Yaqub khan. Life story and career

Sahibzada Yaqub Khan left this world at 95 with a smile on his face. Very few people knew about the pain hidden behind his smile. He was a soldier tuned diplomat and never liked wars. He used to remember Sullivan brothers who were all killed in 2nd World War . These five brothers were serving US Navy together as Sailors on a ship called USS Juneau. Japanese attacked their ship in 1942 and all five were killed. Sahibzada Yaqub Khan said brothers were unlucky because they got killed together. After a brief pause he would say but they were lucky because they were serving in a same Army to fight a common enemy ! He never shared his personal war experiences which always haunted him till his death. Sahibzada Yaqub Khan and his brother Sahibzada Yunus Khan served together in British Army as young officers during 2nd World War. Both earned Indian General Service Medal(IGMS). Yaqub was captured by Italian and German Army near Egypt-Libya border in 1942. He learned Italian and German lan...

Maria toorpekai msg

Special message : I hope you will pay attention & think about the words with good intention to understand & not fight back. Thank you. Our words explain the state of our minds & character. When its said that women should dress certain way to keep man a godly man, then you are not connected to the divine energy at all. You are running away from your responsibility, you are weak in mind, body & spirit. Even if I lock all the women from you, you still will commit whats haram & its happening as many children & trans are sexually abused & killed, extramarital relations, domestic violence, marital rapes, forced underage marriages for girls, ensalved prostitution are all there. So much imbalance of power & authority & thats in human nature too that it will abuse its powers. Pakistan's government should focus on keeping the public in positive activities like sports, make ethical/moral education a priority & enforce the law proper to protect the weak...